Thursday, April 22, 2021

Choices and Just Choices and...

Facebook Live 11am to 1130am this Sunday on Golden healing breathing and distant healing method A;


 A very good morning to all on 22nd April

Well is a __________________ (fill in the blank) day. It depends who is reading this blog and how u are feeling. Feelings changes every now and than. I am surprised and admire people who are constantly happy 24x7. Well I am thrill if there is this people. But again this is our goal and we need to work towards it. To increase the happy mindset in our life.

Well definitely when we talk about happiness, sufferings... sometimes religion comes in. Well this blog i may or may not talk about religion because I am not there yet or a writer. I am just sharing with u, what if past 25 years u met different people of different religion background from poor to rich facing problems in life and email u to ask for help yet there is nothing much u can do but consolation. So this article after 25 years is boldly written in anonymous case studies.

Sometimes I wonder if Lord J, Lord B, Lord meet up will they laugh at me on my findings. Or will I be punished? But again my intention is to help people have a lighten heart when facing obstacles.

So Lord J and Lord B please hor, have mercy on omhealth.


We are greatly influence by our childhood from religion to ways of handling things. And ways to handle obstacles in life. 

Come straight to the case studies:

Case Study A: JXXXXX

Jxxxx is born in a family that strongly believe in karma. From young Jxxx faces poverty and Jxxx pray and work hard to support the family . And even travel to work overseas back in 80s. Jxxxx sort of doing well and suppose to enjoy the fruits of life.

(Journey to success is of course not easy but today is not Jxxxx story).

When Jxxxx turns 47 , 2 family member of Jxxx has cancer and serious illness.  So being in the religion he is in and sort of mix religion. He went fortune telling , prayers, and in the end.....

All uses the word KARMA. So everything is caused past life etc..... Jxxx ask friends for advised all he wise one from youtube or from Religious places of his is about karma.

ANd Jxxx even advise to do 101 ritual from reliease 1000 animals , feed the poor, chant hours of poems daily.

At one point u look at nothing is wrong. Jxxx do most of them. But the health worsen for the family and Jxxx is totally drained. Suddenly he developed and anger with religion and disbelief. But he was pulled back in a good way.

Omhealth advises to JXXXXX

Jxxxxx obviously is overwhelmed by the health issues of the family. One thing about this religion is that if u didnt find a good teacher to explain it can be very depressing, like everything u do depends on past life and like nothing can change. But yet in some of the poems mention , u chant this and that all will be resolved.

AOFOTO 5x7ft White Angel Wings in Sky Background Bird: Camera  & Photo

Contradiction appear for Jxxxx

Why in books, say nothing can help with past life karma, u owe u need to pay, but why a poem say chanting some :Holyname faithfully help will be given. Yet no help given to Jxxxx but the health for the family worsen? Alot questions arises. (but no one explain that chating that name give courages and help in different form, again doesnt in poems says saying that name all illnesses can be cure, is it because he didnt vegeterian,didnt do this and that, and self blame start to appear. So omhealth BOOOM Jxxxx and says, keep things simple dont stress.....

Well karma is not just like that, is more elements to it. Saying the name mantra did help , but it comes to Jxxx in different way. Probably Jxxx family met good doctors and advise.

But no one can answer the question Jxxxx has " WHY ME WHY MY FAMILY?"

(Alot people ask" WHY ME")

Giving advise to JXXXX: When a person family is in distress , do not add on to their stress, imagine JXXX need to take care of career and family members health, u stress JXXXX with chanting hours and no rest, and need to do 101 ritual..... Come on.... isnt heart is important, isnt just chanting the name of "someone" in poems helps. Why cant Jxxx just do what he needs to do in simplicity.

In the end, Jxxxx decided to choose simplicity as advised. And face his daily challenges with

1) Mindful breathing (Just watch ur breath IN and OUT 30 counts daily)

2) Qi Gong to calm the mind and using the Qi to send family members good energy

3) Stop listening to too many . Have a compassion heart and do what is right.

4) Say affirmations and be around with supportive friends.

5) Treasure every day and work with the life force of aromatherapy 

6) Cook food or check the quality of food we eat, dont focus on the nuitrients of food but the energy of food. I ask Jxxx to cook with love for family once a week and this is very healing.

Of course work with Jxxxx guardian angel for highest good.

FOr first time JXXXX wake up in morning with complete peace and yes the family member still need go thru medical treatmenet, yes challenges from work. 


IS Karma is true, but i ever ask. If there is karma, and human realms is suffering, why does this realm exist  to make all suffer. Why cant one shot all go to one place and to be educated. Hahhaha this is the ignorance voice inside me; But again is not wat it is, I am just voiceing out the part which many are questioning.

I think karma is true, and what is in the past we cant help. So why not we create good karma now? And focus now. Errr I dont know about releasing 1000000 animals , but in some extent it helps, if we can just eat less meat. Whats the point i release animal in the sea one day, second day some fisherman harvest it. And yet we cant blame fisherman, they need earn a living. Unless there is a pill all dont have to eat. Is unfair to judge people but must look at situations. This goes on and on.... Release or no release. I dont know. If i release animal i check carefully on good source or i just eat less meat. 

WHat if u are face with difficult people and situations:

How to clear past Karma and dont blame everything on it .

1) Be courageous

Say the three sentence if u face obstacles with people or situtation

 A) I am sorry for what i have done in the past to u (real person or unknown situations which causes the problems), I dont remember what i have done in my past. 

B) I forgive what u have done to me now. Thus is over now. 

C) From today all my thoughts for u is only love respect and blessing.

D) Send positive energy to the world.

WHY I SAY above is good.

Rose Flowers With Aromatherapy Essential Oil Glass Bottle Isolated.. Stock  Photo, Picture And Royalty Free Image. Image 9815591.

U see, karma says if u dont bad in past this life bad comes to u and revenge, but i tot UP there say, we should forgive , why cant the past also learn to forgive and if now the past revenge the NOW, wont the NOW u , die with anger and revenge.

IS this vicious cycle? Again my english is no good, i cant argue much. But i think those who facing issues in house, health issues or ur love one suffering and nothing much u can do. Hope this can help u abit.

My conclusion

This articles is meant to all my 25 years students who some faces

1) Obstacles at work

2) Love one have cancer

3) Lost of faith in prayers

I always believe there is a higher energy, true source (ur religion). Watching over us. Whatever religion u are from. THere are common things we all face.
But dont always focus on sufferings, thats very tiring. And always have wisdom to handle .

If u are tired , take a break. Go to nature, work with aromatherapy crystal for 5mins enjoy the vibrations and colors, ask Angels for protections, blessings and Guidance. Ask ____________ for Love and light.

Things happen in a way that no one can understand why. Why the brother so kind heart of cancer, why MdmA so nice characted have stroke. Why why.....

No one knows, when no one knows, people use karma or whatever evil terms to make things complicated. Than u end up addd worries to current situations.

So to all my friends, who are facing worries, etc in life.


Another Question B is: Why the Holyman giving us blessings , also suffer from health issues. Is this not contradicting. (no one dare to question and yet is inside ur heart ). Well, if u think in this planets, all will go one day. When the holy man giving u blessing, is the blessing of wisdom and good energy. Again karma comes in, he may be taking in too many karma? or his past life? aiyo uncle dont know. So for me how i answer this question is. The holy man lives happily and help many people and because of his kindness he left a good impression and energy to people even he is gone. His body is gone the soul purity and love is there.

 So for all, dont be despair in whatever situations. At all times, think of the word , simplcity, peace and dont over do things. All things balance and do within ur mean. I saw a family have work issues, than as to to 10001 fengshui things and prayers more do more tired.

so SIMPLICITY and pray in a simple sincere way. Look at the sky say ur prayers.



A) U are protected

B) U have angelss or _____ just ask and let go

C) Go to nature with aromatherapy and crystal

D) Cook for urself or family once a week with love. The food will have high vibration and heal ur health or situations

E) Bring Joy to people even we are in challenges, note down ur challenges and document down ur experience and help people who have this similar issues.


Aromatherapy and Crystals

Positive Affirmation Blend: To encourage emotional balance and centering

Heaven and Earth Blend: Joy and calm self confidence

Awakening Blend: Purposeful and awakening

Purification and Inspiration: Upliftment, calm and balance and integration

Healing Trees Oil: Grounding , disintegrate shaken faith

5 element: Cleansing

Equilibirum and flow: Flow of energy and balance

Carry ur favourite crystals do some breathing exercise at a dedicated time daily 3 mins.

Launching of new Oil: MAY 2021

Verbena  include its ability to protect muscles, reduce inflammation, boost the immune system, calm the stomach,  soothe nerves, and clear up congestion

Verbena magical herbs for protection, beauty and purification.




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