Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Guan Yin Day 31st March 2021

Today is such a special day and special week.  I must say when u read this blog. U have a week from today till 6th April to do whatever u need to do on my prescribed food  for good energy.

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1 ONE represent the Sun, the King. ONE is about influencial.

ONE represent the state of Stress we are in this year. It says about how to handle our hidden stress with wisdom and compassion. his is symbolic of that characteristic of 1 that is self assertive, original, positive and independent.

ONE represent the beginning of new cycle. A new thoughts and a new ideas. When Guan Yin Dan falls on the NUMBER ONE . It means the energy to breakthru the norm,

Breakthru doesnt mean just doing things different. It means to regret the wrong, to move on and to accept with loving kindness. Is so important to keep your eyes open and look for signs of an opportunity in the horizon.



For those having issues with health whether urself or family members: Be strong. Dont be scare or feel tired when taking care someone that is sick. Because love is there and love is energy. HAve some rest when u need and tap on the healing energy of compassion and u will be recharged. Using essential oil like AURAGOLD20 works wonder.

IF u are not well, learn to accept and work on ur diet day by day and do healing. The day u LET GO of the things that were weighing u down, was the day, u become to SHINE to the brightest. (video helps)


Healing Symbols: I have created a healing symbol and healing techniques and hope u all can learn . This video is now avaliable for u to watch. DO remember to JOIN the real time meditation this SUnday at facebook live at 11am.

Also 11th April 2021 the ZOOM class u should start regsiteration.

Lucky Food for the Month of April especiall now till 6th April:
This month , Pumpkins and Carrot is very good energy to have
Pumpkin For Weight Loss: Health Benefits And 5 Yummy Kaddu Recipes To Lose  Weight Fast - NDTV Food

Back in2001 I have learnt healing and attend courses and be in this line for quite awhile. When things happen in my life, i am so lazy of this energy that I have learnt and depends on others to give me Healing. And i remember once I was charge few hundred dollars for healing. Than i start to think. Why must I keep looking for external healing. And what about poor people , do they deserve to suffer and cant learn healing?

So i start sharing healing method and omhealth healing symbols. Aromatherapy oil is used but again i open for urself to chooss ur own brand. Remember , people say Divine within U. What does this mean, now i know. We need to tap on our inner power and we can. U just need someone to remind u. And thats omhealth. And I am reminding myself.

Story of SHOU TAO and Waterloo Guan Yin Temple

Waterloo Guan Yin Temple was built in 1895. And in 1970s mom always bring me to this temple. As my grandma stays at Bugis and selling Hakka Food (u can read my life story). And in late 70s the temple renovated and i remember during that period till 1982 we all pray there only a Guan Yin Picture was put in the temple. 

My memories 1970s to 1982 Waterloo Guan Temple.

Bryan Very Good Luck: WaterLoo Guan Yin Temple

Back in the 70s, the temple has a touched of tradition. And people do bring in offerings and burn joss paper. As u know that time my family was not well to do. I look forward for Guan Yin Day. And my mom will buy some Steam SHou Tao to the temple and pray and bring back 4 pieces to grandma house. And my grandma will steam the SHou Tao and share among . To me is so precious and no matter how much i love the shou Tao, i will have two mouthful and tell my mom i dont want to eat le, so the others can have more.

. Till today when I see SHou Tao I think of the time and hardship I have gone thru and grateful for my life now.

If u want to eat this Shou Tao. Buy the fresher one. Alot of factory made has become not really edible . But if u manage find good one do leave a comments in my facebook and tell me where I can buy. 

Is very lucky to eat abit of this today:>

 May be an image of food

 Bryan's Aroma Story:



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