Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Aura Gold Crystal

 Golden stone aura


At times , when u need some support but u are overwhelm with issues. Work with crystals. They are the gifts which is always there to listen to us and help us. Try this anniversary gifts from omhealth.

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To normal people this is a piece of raw stone but to healer this is a genuine aura gold healing stone

{ TIPS: Hold them in your hands. Meditating with crystals can be as simple as holding them in your hand and clearing your mind. IS very recharging }

It will open the energy fields to facilitate the free flow of energies so that healing will take place in your being. It will open your consciousness to receive information and guidance from the higher dimensions to achieve your highest good.

This is a high-vibration crystal and a master healer and is like gold. It will raise your vibrations, amplify your intentions, and release any blockages that are present in your body and in your life.

It will work on you in a very calm way, but the changes that will transpire will run very deep and happen on multiple levels.

The changes will be challenging and they will not happen overnight. But once they do, you will be enjoying the huge difference!

You will spend time working on your thoughts and emotions, and then trying to look at them from a different and higher perspective.

You will also be able to integrate your insights together with your physical ailments that you may have.


Hold it and quiet ur mind see how u feel and get better.



If u spend above $150 on bryanwellness and inform Grace 93804581 for orders , u will receive my anniversary gift of this piece.


I hope u can enjoy this beautiful healing stone.





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