Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Shift of Energy from MArch

2021 is a year where theis 3 words 1) Block,indefinite  2) Stubborn 3) Stagnant seems to surface often in our life. Well the SUN move into 水瓶座 in End Jan. The energy of feeling Lost, unfocus, Healing, take back of power, tired. All these seems to be in our mind .

Many may feel stress between self-care and caring of others. Between wanting to do some good for yourself and people around you. What you need is BREAKTHRU and soul healing. 

Break through . How to do it? Instead telling you the meaning behind , i think u prefer the steps to deal with this energy


I shall share with you what are the things u can do. 

 1) Release, Surrender and acceptance (previous articles mentioned how to do it)

2) Focus on yourself and your good qualities may help u to improve your situations and let of of things that no longer serve in purpose. 

3) Shift your energy with 

 a) Eucalyptus radiata and Bergamot: This combination clear congestion in your life. It talks about forgiving and yet taking care of your own energy. It works with the Divine Energy of Mother and Father. One support and one protect.

 This what u need. Use in tissue inhale, diffuse or even few drops in warm water and final rinse ur body. 

4) Energy of TRUST I think at certain point of our life, we been thru so many things, we seems to lost trust in our hope, prayers and may run into despair. This is very important u can do something to renew the trust with UNiverse. 

Never give up. When we trust our inner potential, we never waste energy. 

Renew your trust. Whenever we are motivated by the deepest truth within ourselves and not by others' expectations we will be giving the living example of trust. The more we allow the light of the Soul to flow through us, the stronger the foundations of trust will be support our actions in life. Whatever you do , affirmations and prayers and good thoughts, it will happen soon , U need to have trust. 

The affirmations I can prescribe u for this 2 months or future is:
 The light of my soul is my solid foundation of trust.. Be soulful. Once u are soulless, u lost the light

May be an image of strawberry and text that says "Healing the body goes hand in hand with healing the soul."

Healing your soul is important . We came to the world with pure soul. But as time goes by with our journey in life, we have emotions like depress, tired, angry  and even having 8 hour sleep. If u soul is tired, u may feel tired also. We need some healing soul energy exercise.  

Upcoming Talks


A)  Healing Energy 2 I will share methods: 

May be an image of text that says "GOOD LUCK HEALING TALK TWO ZOOM Class DATE. 11TH APRIL 2021 (SUNDAY) TIME. 10AM ΤΟ 11.30AM FEES SGD12.00 PER PERSON To rgister, email to: class@omhealth.com Topics: Grounding Meditation -Card Reading for Health -Aroma Touch Therapy with Healing Affirmations -Continuation of Healing Symbols -Working with Incense Energy for Healing -Sweeping Exercise to Increase Body Qi -Clear Negative Emotion Yoga Aroma -Sound Mantra for Healing"

All who have not attended healing energy 1 can attend this healing energy 2 they are independent.

B) HEalth and Beauty With Bryan

A TCM doctor and a florist (teach flower arrangement) and alot of wonderful topics

2nd May 2021

Time: 930am to 11am

Fees: $15

Email: class@omhealth.com




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