Monday, January 25, 2021

Heart Sutra

Heart Sutra Summary - What is the Heart Sutra about? | The Truth of Life

Thank you all I have done my Zoom class and share a bit on Heart Sutra. I will cut into a youtube and share with u here in a few days time. I hope that can inspire us to have aim in life to excel in knowing ways to be happier.  Sometimes I wish to share with my friends that heart sutra is not a religion is a philosophy if u excel in the meaning and practice it;

The Heart Sutra talks about your heart. 

Heart is defined in Buddhism as awareness ability. We are being our heart. Buddhism concentrates to teach you what heart is.

 If you can’t even control your own heart then what can you control? It talks about the heart’s relationship with illusion being and talks about how illusion being and your heart affect each other.


The Maha Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutra 

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattvawhen practicing deeply the Prajna Paramitaperceives that all five skandhas are emptyand is saved from all suffering and distress.  

Shariputra,form does not differ from emptiness,emptiness does not differ from form. That which is form is emptiness,that which is emptiness form. 

The same is true of feelings,perceptions, impulses, consciousness. Shariputra,all dharmas are marked with emptiness;they do not appear or disappear,are not tainted or pure,do not increase or decrease. 

Therefore, in emptiness no form, no feelings,perceptions, impulses, consciousness. No eyes, no ears, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind;no color, no sound, no smell, no taste, no touch,no object of mind;no realm of eyesand so forth until no realm of mind consciousness. No ignorance and also no extinction of it,and so forth until no old age and deathand also no extinction of them.  

No suffering, no origination,no stopping, no path, no cognition,also no attainment with nothing to attain. 

The Bodhisattva depends on Prajna Paramitaand the mind is no hindrance;without any hindrance no fears exist.Far apart from every perverted view one dwells in Nirvana. In the three worldsall Buddhas depend on Prajna Paramitaand attain Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi.  

Therefore know that Prajna Paramitais the great transcendent mantra,is the great bright mantra, is the utmost mantra, is the supreme mantra which is able to relieve all sufferingand is true, not false.

So proclaim the Prajna Paramita mantra,proclaim the mantra which says: gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha.

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