Wednesday, January 27, 2021


 Qn 1:  when to change 6dhulu main door or hang the items?

After house cleansing. But if u wan a date is day before CNY also good.



Qn 2:   Where's the industrial area to buy plants?

            GG Fresh Flower

 Tel: +65 6282 0900
Address: 22 New Industrial Road
               #01-15/21 Primax
               Singapore 536208

or Fareast flora 

both have big aircon room with fresh flowers


Qn 3:   Where should we place Liu Li Long Gui it?

            In the living room. Facing windows or door.

 Qn 4:   2021 tea, any portion for each ingredient and how to boil?

 Will demo in fb live on 1st Feb 2021


Qn 5:   Animal sign to pray, any date or time to do it?

 as long as the day no cong ur animal in calender and before 3pm

Qn 6:   Can ask him to share where he bought the broom? I went to the market to buy, can’t find it.

 Scoops PLQ mall

Qn 7:   Do I stand in the middle of the living room and start to check North etc? because I only have the direction for the whole house (landed)?

 Use living room set up living room fengshui will do. We do Small Tai Ji.

Qn 8:   Lack of earth should wear what color?

Eat some carrots and potatoes. Wear the five elemnt bead bracelet balance all easily
Qn 9:   Can give numerology class?

Qn 11: Where to hang heng ball? After 5 years must I discard the heng ball?

            Any where as the heng ball will “brightens” up where ever it is. No do and donts to hang the heng ball. One good thing with omhealth heng ball is everywhere put is good.


Qn 12: I always chant the heart sutra before I sleep at night is it ok?

            It is ok.


Qn 13: Pertaining to Welcome Talk slides.

1.    slide 16, what does the 2 weeks formation mean?

 It means u can put the items whole year but if u wan put temporary put at least 2 weeks

2.    8 lucky dates, 神奇水 -can share again how to make?

 a pail of water with cypress oil and five element oil under the sun between 11am to 1pm. And use water shower or clean house.

 3.    Is it throw pants on the 15 feb?

I already say is CNY 初五 , 

4.    what should we do on the 8 lucky dates?

 say good things, and go do charity and also go prayers in temple is good. Use protection spray and tranquility spray. Carry ur lucky items.


5.    where to buy the brush/broom for floor?


6.    for slide 29, 5x50c &5d coin can advise how to put?

 put a small bowl and living room any where will do

7.    when should we drink the 福气茶?

 any time ur luck so so

Qn 14: Waterloo temple tai sui can go?

            Can go.


Qn 15: 6d & 5D main door and which area need to change?

 all change and rice urn

Qn 16: West- even if it is a bedroom, can I put wealthbowl? What if there is a toilet in the

bedroom, do we still put a wealthbowl?

 no need put

Qn 17: What is the lifespan of the essential oils?

 1-2 years depend what oil But all oil fresh why must u keep for 10 years. is not wine.

Qn 18: Lao Shi, ruyi can put at home?


 Qn 19: How to measure the length for the bracelet?

            Use a string to wrap round then use a ruler to measure the string.


Qn 20:  When can I cleanse wealthbowl?

 NOW any day before 3pm

Qn 21: For my kids’ study is Light Heng Ball, right?

 Light green



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