Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Sickness and Healing

 When we reached certain age. We look into alot on health and healing plus wanting to be happy.

 Healing of body pain and sicknesses . How to reduce stress and sickness of urself or love one. 

Sometimes and most of the times we look for external remedies like supplements  or exercises or in search of HIgh Master to bless u etc. All this are external.

But we also need to explore the internal cultivation to help ourselves. As we all know we all have buddha within us.

 Alot of sickness and health issues are caused by our thoughts as our thoughts paints our future. What we face now may be due to our act or thinking. Clearing this cloud of dust that clouded ur mirror is important. If not now when?

Walk the Talk Live - Dusty Mirror - KKBOX



Example: always stomach issues : Stress, cannot let go, Jealous of others , Holding on to anger.

Headaches: Alway ego, cannot let people say. People say u even u are wrong u still headstrong and refuse to admit.

So personal cultivations are things at this time of 20 years of omhealth that I would like to share.

Constantly daily I am thinking ways to improve myself. But first be nice to ur family and ur friends.


Sickness and Health Issues: Chanting of any mantra or Medicine Buddha Mantra

We need to look into the deeper meaning behind chanting mantra. I have a friend who always sick. I ask her did u do self practice: She says " Yes 3 times Om mani PadmeHung " in morning. Well. to me , we spend hours in whatsapp, in phone and earning money watch tv. But we expect a chanting of 1 min of mantra to let Guan Yin solve al your problems?

To me chanting mantra divided to 3 steps

1) FOcus with Wisdom

2) Chant with faith (repeat of mantra longer the vibration energy increases)

3) Puting the qualities of Chant to ur daily life.

I will share more on Sunday ZOOM classs with all old students and see I can summarize more things for u all.


There are two beautiful poems i would like u all to contemplate by Guru on 

Universal Medicine for Healing All Ills

by Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö  Homage to the lama!

Sickness is conceptual thought.
When you are ill, be ill within the dharmatā nature.
Within the nature of things, there is no illness.
Sickness, without reference—let it be released into all-pervading space.
Sickness is an embellishment of dharmatā's display,
And the play of intrinsic reality is unceasing.
All that appears to us is sickness,
All sickness is by nature wisdom.
Within this wisdom, settle undistractedly,
And causes and effects of sickness will be purified into all-pervading space.
May all living beings throughout the three worlds
Be spontaneously freed from the sickness of destructive emotions!

How to Transform Sickness and Other Circumstances

by Gyalsé Tokmé Zangpo

Namo guru!

This illusory heap of a body, which, like others, I possess—
If it falls sick, so be it! In sickness I’ll rejoice!
For it will exhaust my negative karma from the past.
And, after all, many forms of Dharma practice
Are for the sake of purifying the two obscurations.

If I am healthy, so be it! In freedom from sickness I’ll rejoice!
When body and mind are well and at ease,
Virtuous practice can develop and gain strength.
And, after all, the way to give meaning to this human life
Is to devote body, speech and mind to virtue.

If I face poverty, so be it! In lack of riches I’ll rejoice!
I will have nothing to protect and nothing to lose.
Whatever quarrels and conflicts there might be,
All arise out of desire for wealth and gain—that’s certain!

If I find wealth, so be it! In prosperity I’ll rejoice!
If I can increase the stock of my merits that will suffice.
Whatever benefit and happiness there might be, now and in the future,
All result from merits I have gained—that’s certain!

If I must die soon, so be it! In dying I’ll rejoice!
Without allowing negative circumstances to intervene,
And with the support of positive tendencies I have gathered,
I will surely set out upon the genuine, unerring path!

If I live long, so be it! In remaining I’ll rejoice!
Once the crop of genuine experience has arisen,
As long as the sun and rainfall of instructions do not diminish,
If it is tended over time, it will surely ripen.

So, whatever happens then, let us always cultivate joy!



Effectively Motivation of Chanting Medicine Buddha Mantra

I find this paragraph extracted from Amitabha Buddhist Centre on loving kindness compassion is very good when u do all prayers :>

Also a short way to practice is by reciting the refuge and bodhicitta prayer: “The purpose of my life is to free all beings from suffering and lead them to enlightenment, therefore, I am going to do the Medicine Buddha practice, especially to purify the negative karma, defilements, disease and spirit harm, as well as to do healing, so that I can have a healthy and long life to offer service and actualize the path.” 



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