Thursday, January 28, 2021

Dealing with Illnesses and How to transform from it

ZOOM video last sunday Q and A and Mantra Health scroll down



Illnesses and Sickness are something we wont even think (what it is) or ponder on itt when we were young or healthy.  Learning to  prepare ourselves emotionally mentally and spiritually of illnesses is important.

If we were taught and know how to face them when young, many people will not suffer from it.

As year goes by many of my students who know me 20 years ago now also middle age le and our parents also facing aging issues etc. How are we going to help family, ourselves and friends who are face with health issues and how to live beyond that?

Now remember when u have stomach aches, the pain is so unberable and ur family member totally worry for u. But imagine someone u love or urself going thru chronic illnesses. What can we do?

Now let me prepare some questions from case studies here for easy understanding.


Case A:

A positive thinking lady  , since young she do good but at age of 30s she got cancer. But she sad for awhile but did not fall into despair.

A master taught her once u fall into anger or depression or blame 怨  u will plant more negative seed. So she says that all her illnesses may be due to cause and effect. As when she young she never take care also may be her past life need to let he learn lessons. So from last time till now at 50 she still ok. But 5 year ago she was diagnose again with lung cancer that spread.

She accept it with natural therapy. By watching more carefully on diet and also continue to live life to best and do charity within her means and continue do charity. U know because this person since young 人缘 good so no matter what she always find good doctors etc. Because 善广结善缘。 When a person do good and help people , when u have problem people help u. 

 To her able to live a day is a gift. And she handle her tumor and cancer  with.

A) Mindfulness breathing daily. SO u aware of ur breathing and aware of ur food when u eating . Just begin awareness of good u eat. The color, the taste the touch of ur chop sticks. When we do this our body awareness of body, our body slowly will aware to heal.

Or begin breathing and feel the flow of air to ur nose.

B) when she clean the floor or scrub and pot, she visualize when scrubbing the pot, her tumor disappear.

Here's How To Clean A Burnt Pot or Pan with Two Ingredients | Family  Handyman

 Alot of time illnesses may be cause by past life and sometimes u need to return the debt u may need to. But we cant blame all to it. If now we can we accumulate merits and do good. Things will be better.

3) Be hardworking in cultivation. A human life is meaningless, if we dont study some wisdom.

NB: When a person have cancer, cancer marker can go up and down. So dont too worry about it.


Why do some people have alot of problems (mental problems)

Alot of them, problems are not other people but is ourselves. Be a person with Wisdom dont be a stupilidty .


Case B

A mom all along has a religion and learn about life and death is part of human life. But years ago, the daughter of this mom has cancer. And the heartache and sadness is beyond words can describe and she live in sadness daily. The daughter is a very good girl, hardworking in school. Doctor say there is no cure can be found yet.

The mom is lost and she never blame anyone on it. But she give thanks daily when the daughter is alive.

So she ask a master for advise.

Master: Please note, when we have no issue time we need to learn to cultivate merits修福 why this year i Keep using 福 now u know.  So when u face problem, at least we have a remedies. when we do that our 人生观 会改变。

if u cannot accept things, u face it. Blaming and crying not going to help. so first learn to accept that one day the daughter may leave but when there is miracle to stay back is good. So at all time be prepared.


Case C

 A father of a daughter is 82, and had a fall. Suddenly his leg not able to walk proper and deteriorating daily. She feel sad and ask is there a method to prolong the life of the father. The daughter force the father to do prayers but the father is not used to it. She feel upset

Answer: The father is already in 80s, and u cannot suddenly force a person all along with no religion to go into it.  So what we can do, is daily we chant at home for them. U cultivate urself and motivate them.

U want to pray for ur father longer life. But is it a king of selfish (u see this word selfish here is very tricky, we all want our parents to have long life, the selfish here means , we want to stay on because we fear our sadness)

The father have take care of u so many years le, we need to let go accept and pray for then to feel good and mental wellness. Dont give them stress.

U can chant mantra, help elderly in Singapore and merits 为爸爸祝福。祝福你爸爸。

Some people may ask chant long long sutra, chant this do that. Dont force urself. They just out of good will try to help u but they are not u. U need to take care family, father and urself. So simplicity with pure heart prayer and watch your body speech and mind is most important things u can help ur dad.

CASE D退休祝福语8个字精选 

A young man has cancer stage 3, and even recover the doctor say the chance of relapse is high and everyday he keep telling people of his worries that his cancer will come back.

Master: Well we know that your thoughts paint your future. And if daily u plant the seed it is coming back the chances it come back fast is higher than others.

One truth we need to know. All of us need to go to the one place soon or later. We need to accept it. Sometimes people live life blindly dont aware of it. But if u have cancer already, u should aware of life is precious for u daily. And change ur thoughts to use ur cancer experience and help others and motivate people. Be a cancer support group and help people emotionally. 

U can learn to accept mindfullness mediation. (soon i will have this meditation class). U can do ur own religion prayers for yourself and people. 


凡是重病无论any illness, u must have this few mentality to cultivate


young man when u have illnesses. Tell ur family u will be ok and u will work hard on ur diet and be well. (saying this is important, it also give strength to the care giver or ur family members) this u have plant alot of good energy to prevent relapse energy from coming.

Sometimes when have illnesses, the whole family will even more stress. So learn to use 一句话, 不说负面,对一切做好准备别怕别让家里人担心别giveup



A family member pass away, and everyday think of it feel very sad and cant get over it. What should she do?

Master: Accept it and face it and live a good life to let the people who pass away to be at peace. They are not away they are somewhere we shall meet again. They have finished their mission and now is your chance to finish yours and be a better person. 

u lead a good life, the pass away will be happy.

人这条路是很自然。 一个人家里人pass away. u can do alot of good deed to help them further. And most important thing is live a life with responsibilities. Do not fall into depression and keep thinking. So this 心结you must ownself untie it. I find heart sutra is good.



In buddhist perspective; A lady ask if have cancer how many sutra and how many mantra should she chant. Some say chant few hours.

Master: when a person cancer , already very suffer and sometimes if u give them condition will give them stress. So is no use u can spend hours read and cant focus. But if u focus chant a mantra 5 mins also can le

专心专一 五分, 十分钟都好 rather than spend hours chant mind thinking other things. Short prayers of any religion but focus is good.

 start short 心经 ,普门品


When there is someone u love sick, We can do things ourselves instead of falling into depression and become suffer together.

we can

  1. do prayers
  2. Understand the philosphy and ur life purpose
  3. do charity to help people
  4. use words to help people
  5. try to have vegetarian once a week


 This blog is under the label Bank ACCOUNT. See the labe beside hope can help more people with this difficult to read and write english ahahaa


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