Sunday, November 17, 2013

Gold Facial and Bryan lao shi One Breath LUCK method.

Year end 2 months, always is a reflection and also many happenings month

More people may get sick or minor accidents or natural disasters. We need to be more careful in many areas. And any happenings reduce to minimum.

Don't be lazy
1) Wear your bracelet (Black tourmaline or Obsidian)
2) 5 element oil is very powerful in cleansing final rinse.
3) Use sandalwood powder scrub face and body once  a week. Dear all my sandalwood is spa grade.

Do GOLD FOIL FACIAL if whole year very very not smooth.

As it brings abundance, prosperity and open luck if u do gold foil facial on 30th NOV 2013 evening time

5am to 9am

1pm to 7pm

After facial first thing, go to your room say 9 times , each time with one breathe.

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