Sunday, November 17, 2013

Art Divination: Disclosed:>

For the month of Nov 13.

Depends on previous post what u have chosen.

A) Dramatic change going to happen in your life, something that brings u happiness and challenging. Any opportunities come u can consider. This moment do not let anyone or situations to make u scare.
Be courageous. Do good and be thoughtful. Travel is good for your luck.  Buy some flowers home and put in your living room.
Buy anyfood at ION area is good for your luck (one time).

Below do one time can le:>

Foodcure: Fish soup with ginger.
Fruits: Kiwi x1
Bath final rinse with : 5 drops healing trees oil
Breathing Exercise: 636

B) In the midst of chaotic and stress, things are getting better if you have faith. U re being tested in health and Relationships,  may have some obstacles. Delegate your work and be bold. Happiness is round the corner and it has little to do with wealth. Go for swimming is good. All deep inside unhappiness can be resolved within 3 days.

Foodcure: red bean soup
Fruits: Plum
Bath final rinse with: 5 drops Bryan relax blend
Breathing: Yoga alternate nose breathing.

C) After thunder storm, sky is once again clear. You are under divine guidance but u are not aware and you are safe and you can change your job if you want to. If you meditate this period, many problems will be resolved. Go karoke can open your luck. Get fire up with your luck: Buy some Otah home and share.

Foodcure: Mee Hoon soup with red cut chilli
Fruits: Red apple
Bath final rinse with: 5 drops PAF lime
Breathing: 478 breathing

Health and Beauty in Chinese with Bryan Lao Shi
A) 24Nov 2013:
National Library: Bugis 930am.

All old comers, please come too to revise and upgrade:>

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