Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sacred rainbow Obsidian with Medicine Dzi. (Only 10 made) $188 to adopt

Non Chixx rainbow obsidian : Is very healing.

It allows one to path deep into one's consciousness and to connect to one's soul to discover deeply held emotional wounds and traumas so they can be acknowledged and released.

 Thus allowing one's soul to be healed and to radiate and shine its "Light".

Wear and do 478 breathing exercise with feet touching the ground to feel the vibrations.

 The energy of Rainbow Obsidian helps to cleanse and align the chakras by removing any blockages and thus helps to ground "Light" into one's energy fields and physical body.

Rainbow Obsidian allows one to feel optimistic and can thus helps with emotional traumas and depression.

Healing properties of  Bryan's Rainbow Medicine Dzi helps to protect the very sensitive against depression.
It is the stone of the soft hearted and gentle people of the world.

Designed to help block negativity of any kind. As a black gemstone, it symbolizes self control and resilience.

It is highly known for its power to overcome accidents, uncover and protect
against evil attempts, prevent bad intentions, arrest bad luck and healing/curative properties.

It is also particularly powerful to fight stress and depression, rejuvenate self-confidence and stimulate analytical capabilities.

Speed Up recovery  ailments, enhance health, rejuvenate energy of sick
people for quicker recovery, clear the mind and enhance luck in your undertakings.

 It can be worn for protection against  bad luck if one intends to attend funeral wakes and visit the sick in hospitals where yin energy is extraordinarily strong.
It is also a perfect gift for birthdays, those who start work or study and also for someone you care about whose longevity

Also people suffer from terminal illness, it provides comfort for transition and live life with no regret and in peace. And health is important to you.

Sources of Obsidian Obsidian can be found anywhere that volcanic activity has occurred. Some of its important sources today are South America, Japan, Mexico, Afghanistan, and parts of the United States.

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