Saturday, September 21, 2013

Retreat time and Preparing Project G

Say more might as well do more:>

Currently preparing 28 Sep items for the aged and sick:>

A) Give Love Project Group organise by (me la), will prepare a number of items from milk to medicine to new items. Try not to sms me this period as I will be busy with items and coordinations... questions just email to

B) Also we manage to prepare donate 1/4 bus to Cambodia mobile library so more kids can benefits in educations.

Omhealth has now great support from doctors to reputable lawyers and factory aunties and uncle and family housewives to make project possible plus most important u all:>I also thankful Thank You.
Today a mini incident le me have a feel feel: I abit tired le, shall go rest awhile and work again.

When a cloudy day comes, think of the clusters of sunny days that you have had.  It is ingratitude to the Givers of all gifts to forget the healthy smiles enjoyed for fifty years just because you have been sick for six months. When blues come and make you feel they are going to take a permanent lease on your life, think of the numberless days of happiness which u have enjoyed in the past.

When you are sick, do not concentrate on the length of your suffering, but dream about the youth, healthful years you have already enjoyed.  banished sadness with joy, destroy sickening thoughts of failure with the tonic of success consciousness. Cauterise worries with calmness. Be happy .


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