Saturday, September 21, 2013

Power Pendant: Gentle reminder for all who had adopted congrats

Hi all remember last year many have the Buddha Pendant. Is made of pure brass so may turn green. WHich is super good. Also this pendant is rare now and alot of good intentions. 

I do not have anymore Thai Pendant le. Is all fated and good one all u all have le>

The pendant u have must hold it sometimes ok:>

What do we have to do before we wear the amulets?
Before wearing amulets, please do this way :
- Make your mind calm, think of all your goodness you have done, and  focus all your faith to the Buddha
- Put your amulets onto your hands, join your hands together
- Breathe in deeply and slowly
-Then chant 3 times of this initial Mantra:


The chanting verse means we are now paying respect to the Lord Buddha who has done the great goodness. Then request with your own language for his help, say "I, a humble one, invite the Lord Buddha and Luang Phor..... [name(s)] to sit on my head to protect me all day long and bring me a good luck, a victory, and a fulfilment of all my wishes."

Hi all, this is just another reponsibilities from OMHEALTH to further enhance the energy of all who have pendants.

Do u remember the mini Buddha Pendant in April, where there is not waterproof. Is meant for u to wear until the color changes and u can polish again. Is using blessed metal alloy brass (dont have le). Anyway Leng leng represent omhealth to donate medicine to PRIEST HOSPITAL in BKK.
And to thank all for your support too.

This money will help all monk in Thailand to have proper medical care. Do you know and can u feel the vibrations of the pendant u wear?

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