Friday, September 20, 2013

Auspicious Rain

I have calculated the 5 element Iching to collect rain water for Welcome Horse year talk 5th Jan 2014.

This type of water got money also cant buy.  This rain water restored energy and removed a lot of angry energy in a body system. Special procedures to collect but is like timing also important and difficult to catch. I GOT IT for u all.

5 element rain water is very powerful for cleansing and also de stress. It was taught to me by a Master Lady. But she use another method. My method very difficult because all about timing.

I collected le and will spray for those who want on talk. One spray per person. Also u can bring ur crystals bracelet by me to spray on it. And is blessings to have been collected for activation of 2014 Coin of Protections:> Also for all in 2014 talk.

Rain water must be from most auspicious shrine or temple and one day to 2 days within Mid Atumn Festival. So I went to Bangkok.

To my surprise the rain happens in morning today. And I rush to temple at calculated timing morning. But no one in the temple because the rain was quite heavy when I arrived. Without hesitation I start praying.

At first I wonder should I lite candle and incense because there is no shelter to them and rain will wet it. I decided to do it. Before I can collect rain water.

Yes I light my candle with faith and it goes on burning till the end. Another sign of auspicious. Despite after me, few arrivals and light candle but all extinquished. Mine which spread light to world.... shine bright. Thanks:>

Rain water blessed collected. This rain water is difficult to collect as it must falls in the most auspicious FULL MOON period and mid year and also rain before and after Mid autumn festival. Is highest blessing and will spray for all in 5th Jan Class 2014.

Rain omhealth Candle burning still
Rain still candle finish burning bright forming butter flame

See my candles burn to the end from beginning with heavy rain and no shelter.

Rain water happen once a blue moon on the blessed Urn and must be brass container and also must be at mid autumn timing . Collected and for all of u.

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