I think this is what most of us will experience. But we never take a look of our own doings.
U see everyone is born with a "BANK ACCOUNT". Some people born with a very < FULL BANK ACCOUNT>good account because their ancestor and their past life accumulate alot of good deeds from heart and action. Some people born with half account
A person luck from 1 to 40, depends of past life bank account, after 40 it depends alot what good deeds u have done.
U must make effort chant Cundi mantra and do good daily. To accumulate merits and quiet mind. Without quiet mind how to have good things happen.
U are born with golden spoon, from young till middle age 40. Your luck is so good but from young u just be yourself, never do bad things and never do good things. So when u reach 40, ur career and ur luck walk down hill. U wonder why. But if u born with FULL ACCOUNT, and always do good deeds , than u enjoy very goodness even from 40...
U are born with a normal spoon. from young till middle age 35, ur luck is ok. But when u turn 35 and above , career everything not easy. Ur whole life, do good deeds only when people ask u do. And u do good deeds because u want good luck. Anyway better than nothing , ur luck is sort of stable. But u complaint all the time money don't come in etc.
U lack of gratitude and keep complaining daily. Unless u start building ur BANK ACCOUNT by prayers (any religion, to reflect ur heart) and do good deeds in action and talk less... Than later part will be ok.
Almost Empty Bank Account:
Bryan Lao Shi..... if I tell you my family has gone through a stage of no house to stay (almost)80s. And a tough period where I live in fear during my childhood.... than u know why , I work day and night till today even I dont need to now.
My health was not good since baby but I believe there is a reason for everything. And I learn alot of things which share with many. And many people even my house market aunties know about my leg healing method ahaha.
Because of these, I get to know world renowned doctors and therapist that share healing method with me freely. Now why u know I start to have this MEETUP CLASS. To share powerfully all my skills. (More schedule coming up).
I appreciate every single things. DO u know, since young I start to give thanks. I remember sharing an OLD CHANG KEE fish ball with my mom, although i love to eat more but I say I dont want to eat. Alot of times on dinner table, I dont eat the good things because I just want to let my parents eat. To me OLD CHANG KEE and Bras Basah mAc is now heaven paradise. So whenevery I walk pass Bras Basah, i see the small boy and mom sharing Mcchicken, which I got to eat only on special occasions.
Well a family History, is like say whole day cant finish. And no point share too much as this is my furthest I can share.
Everyone has a History and u too.
And u know everytime, u all give me sweets and cakes or muffins in class. I thank u from my heart.
When kids time, I was infact, so shy , and in the eyes of relatives someone that is not sociable and quiet and shy. Who knows one day I am now speaking to thousands.
What did I DO?
I learn from my grandma, every moment of my life give thanks. Never try to show off, be humble, calm ur heart every moment. Compassionate towards people. [ I still learning ]
But be firm with your beliefs (positive one) and be direct to people in a (smooth gentle way). Also dont listen this and listen that, take all advice with Wisdom, dont listen too much. Must listen ur inner voice.
Also my problem too direct until last time people cant take it(imagine scold customers). I am learning la.
I pray in temple since 6 years old from superstitious stage to very logical stage of praying. Learn from many many many Masters and Female Aunty how to pray. Do good deeds with parents without asking for returns.
Pay respect to ancestor (not because they wan eat our offerings) but to remind us of gratitude and pray for their peaceful after life. As ancestor energy affect ur family.
(Last week , I went temple to pray my ancestor, And first time I think of my GREAT GRAND PARENTS. ANd I look at her, i am thinking who she is and her life) I pray for their peace.
Suddenly last 2 days, my relatives from China Came and tell my family that long ago, when mom give birth to me, my grandad send a telegram to CHINA and that day my GREAT GRAND MOTHER, set up to tables and light fire crackers for me.
My heart feel the connections with my ancestor... I feel that they always worry for us, and we should let them in peace. I feel that what I am now is because of their energy and God's energy.
Once I enter a temple in Singapore, at the door, it puts " If u dont respect your ancestor or parents, please stay home no need come pray me"
SO COOL right......
In 1980s, mom and me just have enough money to pay rent. We take the money with us and before going to HDB pay rent, we go KWan Yin Temple waterloo.... Suddenly mom's bag got cut and the money gone. I see her eyes red red... my god... I was wondering why I pray to kwan yin and we good people treated this way.
From there I learn something, there is reason behind everything. The person who take away our rental money..... well blocked alot of bad things in my and our life. ANd I send him blessings.
......to be continued.
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