Must always educate ourselves, live life by not praying blur blury. At least do some research:> No time nevermind, read this blog.
Next Bai Bai Class in English and mix abit chinese on November 2013. U coming?
龙树菩萨梵名Nāgār juna
Dragon Tree Bodhisattva appear 700 years after Lord Buddha attain Nirvana . And one of the great contribution in TCM is Eye Treatment Thesis.
Nagarjuna as Ayurvedic physician
According to Frank John Ninivaggi, Nagarjuna was also a practitioner of Ayurveda, or traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine. First described in the Sanskrit medical treatise entitled Sushruta Samhita (of which he was the compiler of the redaction), many of his conceptualizations, such as his descriptions of the circulatory system and blood tissue (described as rakta dhātu) and his pioneering work on the therapeutic value of specially treated minerals knowns as bhasmas, which earned him the title of the "father of iatrochemistry.[15]Nagarjuna (2nd-3rd century) was one of the most important philosophers of Buddhism and the founder of the Madhyamika school.
In some legends, Nagarjuna was befriended by the nagas, which
are snake beings that live in unseen realms. Nagas appear in many Hindu
and Buddhist myths. In this story, the nagas had been guarding sutras
containing teachings of the Buddha that had been hidden from mankind for
The nagas gave these sutras, called the Wisdom Sutras -- to Nagarjuna, and he took them back to the human world.
The Wisdom Sutras are collected under the title Prajnaparamita (Perfection of Wisdom) Sutra. Wherever he found them, Nagarjuna is remembered as the one who systemized and deepened the teachings of the Wisdom Sutras.
The nagas gave these sutras, called the Wisdom Sutras -- to Nagarjuna, and he took them back to the human world.
The Wisdom Sutras are collected under the title Prajnaparamita (Perfection of Wisdom) Sutra. Wherever he found them, Nagarjuna is remembered as the one who systemized and deepened the teachings of the Wisdom Sutras.
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