Bryan Very Good Luck Oil (5 elements Oil):
Signified the presence of “Chun” and it is good for bringing harmony to the house.
Still remember how to do facial steaming? Thats right. You can perform facial steaming using 1 drop of Bryan Very Good Luck oil on the eve of Chinese new year. Bring peace, cleanse yourself and the environment!
During shower, you can add 2 drops of Bryan Very Good Luck oil in a bucket of water and rinse your body for a good cleansing!
Signified the presence of “Chun” and it is good for bringing harmony to the house.
Still remember how to do facial steaming? Thats right. You can perform facial steaming using 1 drop of Bryan Very Good Luck oil on the eve of Chinese new year. Bring peace, cleanse yourself and the environment!
During shower, you can add 2 drops of Bryan Very Good Luck oil in a bucket of water and rinse your body for a good cleansing!
To give a good cleansing for the whole house, add 5 drops into a bucket of water, mop the floor or wipe the place with this bucket of water. You can also add 4 drops of the oil on tissue, stick to fan or air con and let it blow the whole house.
This is a good luck oil blended carefully with 8 flower herbs. Every bottle is charged inside a pyramid and crystal cave for a day.
Oh ya, you can also shower with this oil using the above method after you came back from a funeral wake.
Each bottle is $38.
The flu virus is pretty strong this year, you can also put 1 drop on tissue and inhale to boost up your immune system.
Fresh and no artifical colors. Drop me an email at orders@omhealth.com to order.
Hi Bryan lao shi
Will you be bringing along the luck enhancement items with you for the talk tis Sat at CSC?
i will be attending the talk and wish to have a look at them lor, hope to get 1 each for my kids. Thanks
yes xue li i will be bringing ah.. thanks for coming and ur support ah
Hi Bryan lao shi,
My husband was rat and he was driving motorbike everyday, what shd he take? is the Fu Dai will help in safety or Mystic Knot ?
HI Lian, you must understand that is depend on safety and careful. Fu Daiwill help to avoid a person to be affected by injury star but ifhe is tired and dont observe saftey is still prone to injury de.
Fu dai will be better choice.
I amrat, so actually rat this coming year we need to be extra careful on road.
Bryan 老师
Thanks,, so i also must ask my son to be very careful on the road, cos he is the 1996 rat, and he used to come back from school on his own.
Bryan lao shi,
Don't worry, i know that he have to responsible for himself, just want to have double protection. i also rat, we r same age, haha.
Thanks for your concern.
Hi Bryan Lao Shi,
By buying the Fu Dai, is it still necessary 2 get the luck enhancement items 4 each individual animals?
this oil seems so powerful..
quote from u but edited version
one stone countless birds
Bryan lao shi,
Attended your FS talk today. Indeed was a very fruitful one. u very 'zun' leh. looking forward to your nbext session ^^
Bought ur fu dai, i strike lottery but only 100 plus, is a good start.
Is not intended for lottery more for health but again thanks alot bryan
Hi Bryan Laoshi
Thanks so much for sharing, its indeed a very good & interesting fengshui talk yesterday and i shared with my family whatever i had absorbed from the talk. Wish everyone GOOD HEALTH AND PROSPERITY.
Ur fengshui talk is splendid. Fun yet serious and accurate.
And many benefited from your talk
keep up the good work.
Serene yeo
Somehow, after inhaling your Five Elements Aroma Oil, i feel very happy and calm.. I guess, u have to have faith and belief for the things to work for u.. Me too, enjoyed the FS talk on Sat at CSC, just like the rest of them. Bravo, thumbs up for Laoshi!!! haa....
Best 5 element oil, is a careful blend by u lao shi. I am grateful to what u have impart us in the class.
Thank you.
Hi, do u still hv the 5 element oil? I'm interested in it. Where can I get it ?
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