Sunday, December 26, 2010

Supercoin :>

Good morning folks! Just a reminder, Super coin is still early for usage. I will take my time to post out batches by batches....

If you have place your order for Super coin via
, do not worry or panick. It will be sent to you if I have confirmed your orders. Must wait yeah =)

U know how does a Caterpillar cross a river on it's own?

Well, it transforms itself to a butterfly. Caterpillar will just slowly wait for the time to come... Key word is 耐心 in whatever thing you meet in life. Obstacles will be resolved, all will be fine.

Not 忍 but let go. I don't believe in 忍。 Just be more 耐心 and believe that there will be transformation in your life.

Oh I mean wait for the coin if you have ordered =)

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