Monday, December 27, 2010

Health is Wealth ---- Part 1....

Case A:
David visited 3 fengshui Master, 1 from Hong Kong and 2 from Singapore (not me...). He is at the age of 47 , but his luck was not very good. His family has problems and career too. But when he visited all the fengshui master all of the fengshui master told him that his luck is good. He starts to question, why all fengshui master say his luck is good and yet....
David is confused and send me an email about what he can do?

David decided to attend my workshop ? Straight away in my crystal color therapy class, I saw his aura is dense with dark energy around heart area and stomach. To my surprise he told me he has stomach bloated problem and neck pain for many years.

to be continue.....................

Alot of time, some who look for me asking me on how to improve their personal luck.

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