Thursday, August 15, 2024

Power Energy of Lingam Stone

 Hi all

have been sharing crystal healing class since 2001.

THere are some stone I find it has very good energy and i want to share with you this Divine Love stone Lingam from Nepal and authentic .

Different stage in our life i introduce different stones base on own experience. Rem younger days is always about wealth career love.

For me now is all above plus health and stability and energy. This is a good stone to cultivate that. 

How to use it?

Hold it to recharge your energy. Put on ur chest to rest 3 mins on bed. When feeling very block in life, hold it and believe in Divine love energy everything is in right order.

Simplest way is to hold it and do 21 om in morning or evening feel the vibrational energy.

To order email to with ur mobile and i will personally whatsapp you.

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