Halo everyone . Today will have some special bracelet at $8 for close customers.
Gui ren Bag version 2 is HOT ITEM. But out of stock again. U all must rem to change to the new GUIREN bag which u have used for 20 years le.
10 Years Big Luck
In fenshui or Bazi , there is always people talk about transition to 10 years 大运 . Well , sometimes u dont have to do Bazi, u will know the transition is there.
Normally transition is when there is a major event that happen in your life and totally change your perspective in life and also alot of things changes. Like job, relationships, thinking, all regular clients disappear, work wise change of boss.
Alot of things happen and sometimes causes u not able to 喘气. This is the time to practice Quietness.
When in your life there are too many things to handle and you keep feeling luck is not on yourself. U are the only one that can help yourself. Using the Silence energy.
U start to have good luck and healing with Silence. Healing power of silence is our thoughts.
Generally, each of us has about thirty-six thousand thoughts per day. When a person feel luck is no good, most thoughts will be negative. This thoughts will be like a magnet and attract more bad energy.
quietness and peace will transform into clarity and attentiveness. And than once mind settle down u plant in positive energy. HOW TO DO IT?
Above pic: OMhealth Puer (good energy), Calm Peace Love Mist, Purification OIl blend , High Mountain incense
Example: Putting back positive healing energy to ur life again small ritual
A) Choose ur pendant or bracelet, wipe with a drop of eucalyptus oil from tissue. Wear ur bracelet (i suggest black tourmaline if have). Or wear any jewelry u feel bring good energy. Dont have is also ok.
B) Light a incense of High Mountain.
High mountain incense vibrational energy is very refreshing. Half a teaspoon is good enough. It create a protective and healing environment.
C) Seat down ask yourself 2 questions.
- What am i maniesfesting now?
- Why am I Down?
- What Positive things happen last few days?
U can think about the mini things like dessert or food.
- Is this the hardest things I faced?
Aiya to me hardest time was EXAM in school. Now we can choose and freedom lor.
- Where are my priorities?
When you start feeling
full of self-doubt, take some time to reflect on your priorities. Too
much time worrying about things that awe can’t
control is waste of energy, despite our strong will. You have to make sure
your priorities are focused in the right area.
- What am i doing now?
I always take time to reflect on the
things I’m doing right. But many times people dwell on a problem that
isn’t nearly as important as it feels in that moment. Allow your mind
to drift and consider the accomplishments you’ve achieved this year
for more confidence and an improved mood.
- What ABOUT ME am I grateful of?
it’s important to recognize the great things about
yourself so you feel motivated to do great things. yourself what
it is about you that makes you feel grateful.
D) Complete the energy healing with a MIST.
Healing is completed and move on. The process above takes less than 10mins and yet can help many to transform luck. But simple method people dont use ahahaha. Hope u can try and let me know.
For 3 pax only. Those who want this set at $8 for healing and good energy is specially for 有缘人。 For purchase of Skincare, essential oil or haircare. Strictly for 3 by today 25th April 2023.
- 砭石真 bracelet: helps in release fatigue and worries. Use it . And can put SUN 3mins and wear again to feel energy.
- incense teabag
Whatsapp Item list 93804581 and with address . Must spend above $150 and courier fee applies
21st May 2023:

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