Thursday, November 28, 2019

Changing Mindset changing the direction of life

Good morning to all of you.

Now is Bangkok time 6am. For 20 years i will come BKK once a year to work and for few days of relaxation.

So this year is abit different . I change my routine for this trip diff from past 20 years. Is not easy but is an effort to do it.

We dont like changes if we are familiar with the norm. But sometimes change is needed for better u and energy .
Hmmmm is not about me this article. Is all for u.

Mini Changes for u to handle

As u grow older with more commitments , it is extremely difficult to have ME time and alot of time u need to shortchange ur happiness to take into considerations for the comfort or feelings of others.

Especially for those with family , many times u sort of putting ur needs last and sometimes u think is it worth it if they did not appreciate. Luckily uncle me, is always a lone ranger and i prefer that but once a bluemoon i test my limit by going group tour.

I must say:

Dont always put ur needs to last and end up before u know, u are already depriving ur inner child and is so difficult for u to feel Joyful again.
( But there are some people who always put own needs first and dont care others feelings, so u need to do the healing method below also. As if u dont care others because ur inner child feel deprive love and thats why u are like that, that is also why some energy blockages)

We must learn to change our mindset daily and everyday do something that is really (you like) and love. But alot of times is temporary thats why my healing method is to heal from within.

And especially if that year we are experiencing alot of obstacles and issues (health, family, career) --- we need to strengthen our Qi, and strengthen our self love. SO luck can change.

No time theory I will go straight to the point.

WHat to Do?

Now i am not good in explaining theory. This article energy comes to me in a way that those who need the healing will understand what i write about here. Those who are not may find this article useful in later part of their life.

I have been in crystal healing and energy healing for 20 years. My role as a omhealth founder is to write things from my heart and sometimes with no proper language u can feel the flow of healing energy goes to ur heart that u need.

 Healing method

2 steps self healing 8 mins a day to clear blockages, find a job if u cant find job, clear health worries, clear negative thoughts and clear negative people and bring happiness.

Items: 1-2 black tourmaline stone near u.
Oil: Rosemary, or eucalyptus.

Procedure to Open Luck and Clear Issues and Change ur Mindset and Life

Inhale a drop of rosemary (or eucalyptus) from tissue.
Have a black tourmaline stone near u. If u lie down to do this u can put at ur navel.

Black tourmaline is found here.

Step 1
See the source image

Right hand touch below neck and left hand chest. Relax and say:
I love and accept myself . I forgive myself and all others.
Say the affirmations 9 times and relax few mins.

This clear ur inner confusion and unhappiness and surface unhappiness and clear it. Rosemary and black tourmaline will absorb the negative qi.

Step 2

Both hand back of neck.

I choose to release all negative thoughts patterns and negative energy that block my clear thinking and happiness. I see things clearly and know what I want in life. I am light and light from my within shine to the world. All is good.

Say 2 times and rest here 2mins will do or more.

This change negative influences from the planets and adjust ur mood back. It also clear people's negative energy from ur system.


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