Friday, November 29, 2019

Achieve Good Luck

Luck is something everyone is looking at all the time. But what have u done to deserve more good luck.
Past 6 months have u do any good or just keep thinking of problems etc.

When I observe about luck and age group. I notice people interpret luck differently and achieving good luck is easier for people born in 50s, 60s and 70s may be some 80s.

All I can say luck for a person is all about the accumulated merits in the past or past life and also thie things u have done this life. Some are karma and some are ur own doing and not karma.
See the source image

Choose ur good luck stone to work with at
Also remember the 10 face puti health seed is amazing and really help many le

Too belief in lucky and unlucky omens or fortune telling is not good because it impair your ability to judge , to shine and walk out of difficult situations. Everytime luck no good. VIsualise ur heart have a light buld and say let it shine.

There are some who are so into fortune telling or ritual for luck. But again when things strike, it seems the only way to handle is yourself. No matter how much u pay someone to pray for u or a religious place to do some ritual. U notice at the end of the day is u who resolve all.

I remember at one stage of my life I am so dependent on some master puja or word of so call master etc than really affect my decision making. In 1999 i flew all the way to KL to meet a so call master for my career path and end up "the person" says i can never do business and I need to stick to my engineering job.

In the end 6 month after "the person" words. i didnt accept it and work very hard to be a World Classs ahahahh Speakers (really ok) and a person who never forget about the passion. (even u all not like last time register for my event because of ur busys and social media news, I continue to give workshop to benefits others)

Niam YOU time:

Do u know for 22 years every year i deliver good event with well researched topics. But many old students and new students just want quick remedies and forget about there are still a group of well researched guru in Singapore to share.

Ask yourself, how long u have not attended omhealth event. Recall the time u attend, do u feel joyful and happy? Many say yes because every event I plan months ahead on the materials and also implant good energy of non religious to the class . Hoping all attendees to be in good energy.

My teacher says, sometimes u can learn alot from books but u need to attend a physical class to ancor ur energy. But laziness and refuse to change will discourage u. ( my teacher times are books now is social media)


 Lao Lao Shi Shi achieve good luck with Me

Good Luck can be achieved and bad luck can be dispelled  with

  • Taking care of elderly (key to good luck)
  • Constantly reflect your inner heart and emotions,Listen to what u really want 
  • Release the self grasp attitude in life , not always " I wan, I need , i I I .... But let go and think for others 
  • Prayers (not obsessive but pray in religious place with wisdom)
  • Try to go vegeterian once a week or twice a month. Well is a way u thank ur body by loading yourself good with alot of vegetables and good energy food. ( to me , those fake meat and etc are very unhealthy and wont do much to change ur luck even u re vegeterian. I go for pure vege tofu etc. My favourite place is cedele ahahha)
  • once a week choose a food u love when u are between 1 to 12 years old. Is so important because it will retune to ur energy. Once a month choose a junk food that u love and eat (sorry to say my junk is chips or nuts)
  •  Every morning I have a simple ritual (depends u want to follow)
  1. Choose my essential oil from a series of my oil put few drops to tissue throw inside my bag
  2. wear my crystal bracelets with a drop of dragonfly oil or 5 element oil in crystals. To work, and when work not convenient put in the drawer
  3. Chant a mantra or ur prayers daily before u step out of house. (i have come to a stage for many years once i step out of house, i will hold my mala to chant Cundi and Hanuman Mantra)
  4.  Tranquility spray spray daily 
  5. Call and greet ur parents or elderly. If they not around le ; say any short prayers and dedicate to ur ancestors etc. (as our body DNA has our ancestors DNA , so ur thoughts of telling them to be happy and good and dedicate to them renew the bond and whatevery negative energy their group of ancestors angels will protect u.
I love do use oil like , Egypt Geranium (not rose geranium), with Rosemary Spanish and Lemon combinations for shower final rinse, wipe house or tissue inhale when facing tough situations in life.

Do u know beside my bed in overseas or singapore i will have a bottle of Carrier oil

example Easabsorb coconut oil --- to address personal needs and release negative emotions
Easabsorb Rice bran oil--- to activate wealth and abundance in life
Easabsorb Jojoba oil  --- To clear negative problems and find a good job.

I will pump either of the above oil two pumps on my palm and put few drops of combinations of any of my favourite oil on the palm and mix with index finger and apply whole body.

Than I will say 

  1.  I am fearless and brave – I have nothing to be afraid of  (handle tough things and difficult people)
  2.  I am meant to have an amazing life – This too shall pass (when family sick, friends issues relationships issue)
  3. I believe I can do anything – I can achieve greatness (finding job, change of career and path

See the source image

Everyone wants good luck and will want to avoid bad luck. ASk yourself, have u done anything to improve luck or live day by day complaining.  I have no time to keep blaming to karma. I create my own luck and karma. If ur luck now is in good or no good. Keep doing Good. A Gao Gao luck will come to u.


Case Study:

There was a case study on good luck and bad luck. And i know of a person who in a year face family love one health issues and good friends money issue and work wise issues. But with her determinations of working with above few points I mentioned. She is now ok and yes and even better.

So remember when u are facing family health issues, ur own health issues and also a series of event comes together.
Keep do good. Chant mantra, Do good (donate rice to charity). Dont listen too much on people telling u these and that. Listen to your heart. Use omhealth oil and crystals even u cant afford a bracelet , u can even use a stone from my website which is affordable.



12th Jan 2020 Welcome talk

1212 we have a promo and free gift is a Lucky Peach wood and marble (next article i will talk about the marble)

15 Dec 2019: Mandarin event : Chit Chat with bryan oon health beauty luck and music (not confirmed as i need to see have enough attendees and venue so u can register first

All above email to

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