Saturday, March 1, 2014

Poison Fire : Remedies

As predicted, this is a year of fire poison.
Look at the weather compare to last 2 years which are water snake etc... which kept raining during CNY 2012, 2013 (water snake, dragon)
Now the weather dry  and hot for this fire wood horse. We need to use more MIST SPRAY
Tranquillity Healing Spray above the head mist down.
Protection Space Clearing Spray to clear the poison fire in your house.
Now you should know T Spray is for spraying ourself from above head. P spray is for environment.
This will create harmony QI.
Both Mist a set is $90.As one is $50.
Key words for 2014
  1. Take care of your health. Love and respect your spouse and family.
  2. everything can be overcome with a positive attitude and strong willpower. Money, career, love, health will all be good in 2014 provided you don’t go overboard.
  3. You need to gather a lot of people party one time (that's why Bedok Mall u can come)
  4. Mental health might need to be taken care of.
  5. Drink Red bean with Orange peel once awhile to clear stagnant Qi in Body
  6. Wash Toilet on 7,13,17,19 March 2014 using wash toilet method (choose one day)
  7. Must cook one time at least in kitchen for wealth to grow in house and mend the Wealth Pot by cooking.
  8. 6D coin hulu behind door knob is a must this year and end of year must change as it kills a lot poison fire le.
  9. Smile to Mirror urself daily (don't think is funny, smile Is Yin Nourish energy, this year Gui Ren Star will be activated if u smile, u will find this year, the horse gallop so fast until is March le and you busy until cant smile at all, u need to force urself smile in toilet first).
  10. Dragonfly oil buzz aways small people.

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