Saturday, March 1, 2014

Heng ball

NB: Tomorrow I am at Bedok Mall : Is Da Bo Gong day: And I wish all see me already good luck ok:>

Heng ball,Heng Hua lotus, birthday ball, chakra ball owners refer to the updates:

Bryan will go overseas 2 temple and formally submit names to prayers. So let u all blessing from all good directions. U all should know by now the heng ball, heng hua and birthdayball all emit a special happiness rays.

Tomorrow Da Bo Gong Day. I will be Bedok Mall: Who want to adopt lotus ah? If u go down adopt direct have $10 discount.
6 pieces only and I choose color for u. SMS me and u will receive a serial number.

New Comers Curious about Heng ball refer to:

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