Friday, November 22, 2013

Sickness too Long and Why: Longest Article if u got fate u will read all and find answer.

If sick too long, put a 6 D coin hulu behind door knob or bedroom.

Sickness Star can be quite Scary

A) Some every year checkup ok suddenly no reason cancer or terminal disease

I have received 4 email this year which I would like to share.

4 families: from all religion.

A family and B Family: Faithful religious whole life. Suddenly one member have cancer and was serious. All of sudden doubt on prayers.

C family:  No religion, but suddenly one member cancer and become religious.

D family: Very rich family and good life but at age of 60 cancer and anger  but after anger continue to be religious. Family say, the person left the world in peace.

Dearest all: As long as we are human beings we will sick, old and die. No one can escape. Even u see the white dragon, the pope, the religious head... all will go through ill health. ANd this year the THAI royal monk and also our respected Rinpoche suffers from health and pass away.

U all ever ask in your heart, errr so prayers to for health works? Why every week I go church I still sick , I go temple and come home why still flu.

Ignorance we are: We pray is to cultivate ourself, so when we leave this world, we have no regrets and can go to whatever heaven in ur religion.

Our life is not mark by the length but by the quality of life (did u shine and bring light to people). In temple we burn candles to remind us, candle burn its life to shine and brighten people.

According to my Master:

Sickness have few types

A) Cause by own ignorance like bad diet, stress and incapable to release stress。 We never treat our body well. This type is call karma sickness as we create our health problems this life.
PAF lime I suggest is good, as it clear deep within toxic and Healing Trees oil help to ground our energy.

B) Karma: Past live we owe something, someone , this life we need to go through and pay back. (prayers all confession can help to reduce, but what u owe is owe cannot totally remove). A lot of people near 35 to 40 start to have karma ripen and when young do nothing to improve luck or good deeds, so when u turn 40, ur past life karma contract need renewal and u no merits to lower end up...

Some say , I since young GIRO charity le... Dear ah, Giro charity is no feel, did u do confession, did u do prayers did u do charity from heart.

So we can cultivate and pray and chant so next life we are better. U see if this life we don't clear, next life still need to clear. So if those who have cancer and terminal disease, change ur mindset. Just feel that it is exhausting ur karma. Well as if, I know whats the pain and is easier to say than change the mindset. But again, if u don't make an effort we wont learn and health wont improve. And hopefully by prayers, confessions and good deeds we have chance to find good doctor.

I have tons of illnesses u know... from eyes to bone degenerations, the number of TCM in Singapore to Doctors I know... but I transformed my sickness to knowledge and share with people. DO u know how many people recover from my heel pain recovery method and spur.  My sleep also no good last time but I have faith with Buddha and pray and takes years to exhaust the negative karma. I pray and consistent and wont care for result and one day I know I will be ok.

karma illness is scary if a person whole life good life but never practice any religion once kana, panic.

C) Sickness cause by go to place  犯到, fengshui environment: Well this kind to overcome for house is 6D coin hulu and also chant CUNDI mantra and go temple tell GOD can le. No need spend $$$$$$. At home light sandalwood or KM yan set as we use the method 一点通。

For my Suggestion for those chronic disease:

A) Chant mantra daily;
B) 88 Buddha confession
C) Do charity from the heart.
D) And meet a good doctor.

Also eat 2 cups green daily.

Karma New Creation from today

To break out of our karma is like breaking out of our habits. We just need to do something DIFFERENT! But most of us are so conditioned that we don't even see that there is anything different to do. We need to open ourselves up to the infinite possibilities that are out there for ourselves

Pay someone a compliment: By doing this you are raising the energy around you. You are focusing on the positive, and that is uplifting to both you and the person receiving the compliment. You are making a conscious choice here, and choosing to do something nice is good karma.

Do an anonymous good deed: This is like contributing to your karmic bank account. Don't do it for what you expect to get back, just do it because you'll feel good knowing that you did it! At some point you'll be surprised when nice little things start happening to you, too.

Change your routine: Shake things up a bit. Keep yourself on your toes! Too often we sleep-walk through our day, falling back on old patterns. Just by a slight change, like shop somewhere else, we may notice something different which gives us a new idea which can lead to infinite possibilities!
Have a good laugh:

Laughter is better than medicine - it makes you feel good without any side-effects! Life is filled with joy - have you had some today? When you feel good about life, you're more likely to make choices that are good for you and your karma.

Creativity(cook): We all need to express ourselves. When we make something, it is a reflection of ourselves, our feelings. When we make something we can share with others, we are sharing ourselves with others, and that is very good karma indeed!

Show respect to yourself and others: Recognize your own worthiness. We are each here for a purpose. We deserve to be treated with respect and reverence. Why are we so hard on ourselves and each other? We're each doing the best we can. We're here to learn and grow, and sometimes we do that by making mistakes - and that's okay!

Pay attention to what you're doing: 

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