Thursday, October 3, 2013

Self Clear Negative Energy ( part one)

There are many kind of negative blockages in life.


A lot of times are past Karma.
Karma a huge topic yet so simple...

U see karma can relate to personal one and also ancestor one.

As Ancestors plant the trees; descendants enjoy the shade. This statement teaches us that if our ancestors have accumulated good virtue through good service to others, than we enjoy benefits.

But if you read this sentence and contemplates further... u will know why your life is like that....

I always remind many ,  remember to be kind to others and do good deeds. If we can serve, serve. Serve unconditionally.

Why do some people have financial abundance? the root cause is good karma. Such a person and his or her ancestor accumulated great virtue in their lifetime.

Why do people struggle with poor financial conditions> The root cause is bad karma. Such a person and his or her ancestor may have made significant mistakes in their lifetimes.

But you cant blame everything to ancestor. Ur own karma also and own doing. U are responsible for your own sufferings.

Best method to clear bad karma: Offer unconditional Universal love compassion kindness to Humanity and Mother Earth.(H and M)

A) H and M Clear Karma method: Offer service or volunteer ( I shall talk more on it next time). I start to help u all GLPG remember?

World is changing and Mother Earth is in transition.  In recent years many natural disasters have caused many people to suffer. If you are a wealthy person, have you donated money to relieve their sufferings?

Look at the amount of digging here this year... can u feel the emo of ur own feelings. U get tired easily, many unfair things happening etc.... U work day and night but find meaningless? Also u get angry easily and transport faulty non stop?

Case Studies:

I have a friend, famous interior designer, got a lot of award and at age of 31 had a shop and stay in landed properties :>  For years and years work hard but spend hard.Enjoy life and do nothing bad, nothing good...

Everytime I tell him about donations for project or advice him to perform simple prayers or charities himselves. He ignore.

Immerse in life of glam and high class society.But Flower not always red.

Early this year (42)... I had dinner with him... And found out business going bad and business partner cheated him.
Than I ask him: " May be u should start doing charity work..." He immerse in problem telling and one cent also not into doing charity.

Than when I say oh, light lamp temple good for business luck... He totally into that.

Sigh... Sometimes I must use indirect method to open up a stubborn person. May be he is not stubborn.

I studied Iching Words... when a person speak I can read the Aura... is an ancient knowledge. 
Alot of time I can only choose to scold people to wake up, i cant be too direct if not release secret from heaven. But now I dont bother le.. I give advice, u listen u do, u dont .... up to u.

This friend of mine, his luck was good because his ancestor and his own good deeds bank account last until he turns 40. By 41 it depends alot on his present actions.

Anyway no use de.... he is just not into it... His karma ba....

If his prime time (31 to 41), can pray can reflect daily, his mind will be stable and not easily cheated by people. And if he do charities and pray... he will receive a lot of Good ren yuan help from all directions.

U see if your karma is good, a friend advice is an antidote to poison. But too bad. He no karma to receive my advice... I wan help but he don't wan listen... what can I say.

So from here: For people who from rich to sudden problem and series of problems is because u have use up your "bank account."

If he can every month cultivate do good deeds like simple donations... ownself do prayers for benefits of others.... His life may be different.

When a person pray a lot and do confession (improve own's character).... Good things will come. But the timing u cant expect de... ALot of times when u do good things, merits is use to pay off past karmas... But u and me ordinary human , impatient and lost of faith.

What I like about Christian friends, is the attitude and devotion to God with strong faith.

But normally before good things present to u... God always will give u a test... Something to make you angry or despair... if u get over and no lost temper etc... Good luck come...

Method A: Prayers to self clear ancestor karma

A) Chant Cundi Mantra 108 times ;
B) After chant says: I dedicate the merits of this prayers to all beings and my ancestors. I am very grateful. I cannot thank you enough Divine Love(or Kwan Yin Pu Sa). Dear all souls whom my ancestors and I have hurt or harmed in all of our lifetimes. I love you, honor and appreciate you. Please forgive my ancestors and me for our mistakes of harming you. I sincerely apologize. Dear all souls who have harmed me in any of my lifetimes. I love you, honor you and appreciate you. I forgive you completely and unconditionally. Please accept my forgiveness. Thank you.
c) Ommani Padme Hung 9 times.

This year the Mother earth energy strong. Many old will retire, new one will rise. Also should not have too much digging. And if digging to be done, proper ceremony need to be performed. Example if big building (very rice building are digging and building condo). U should set up a charity first and than dedicate the merits to world peace.

Spray: Protection Space Clearing Spray is important for house. Tranquility spray important for office and bed room and spray from head above:> This balance Qi.

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