Friday, October 4, 2013

Dedicate to all Project Completed (plant seed project)

Hi all, many have donate medicine to HOME and help me in volunteer work. Also 10% of fund goes to donation of coffin. 

ANd this project is handled in Bangkok; I want you all know, no donation is too small. 

And Give Love Project Group and the crystal pack group and the mala group. 

All your donations completed le We donated 1) Food 2) Medicine 3) Coffin 4) Cambodia mobile Bus (in the process building up) 5) Malay comittee 

these with the help of Cindy and Zen , ruby, Yvonne, suat lay, michelle, Mint ... 

All these we prepare all readers for better Horse Year. Now u see why I have plan so many things for u all. My Masters say me before... certain things I plan for good, dont tell many first and do. Once completed than say. Now I know why le.

I wish all of you happy. My few hours sleep and dark eye circles are ok because I use my own skincare and acupressure. I will rest more now...

3 workshops hope u can support me

1) Health and BEauty with Bryan (CHinese) 24th Nov
2) Da Jia Lai Bai Bai 2nd NOve (Park Mall)
3) Welcome Horse Year 2014 (5th Jan 2014)

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