Sunday, October 6, 2013

Prepare for 2014 by Securing and planting Seeds in 2013

2nd Nov 2013: Da Jia Lai Bai Bai class: U will learn Joss formation to use for situations. Ancient Joss Paper method pass down by Old Aunties to Bryan only. Many has retired. And I am glad to be able to share with u.

Old students u can come for renewal if u are free:>

Fire Horse in a Wood Year. 2014                  
As the Wood Year strengthen the Fire Horse, this is generally a very auspicious year.  But u must start make full use of next few months in 2013.

Also your 6d coin hulu remember to rub with 5 element oil. It can last for 6 more months.

Tips: This  month Kwan Yin Birthday must be vegetarian and also do any good deeds. Also chant mantra of Om Mani Pad Me Hung...

Use Protection spray , spray whole house every Monday and Friday for this 2 months.

5 element Oil 3 drops wipe office table with tissue and the phone twice a week.

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