Saturday, October 5, 2013

Give Love Project Group Proud of u (draft)

A thank You letter from the HOME; Plant seeds project success:>

Amazing Thank You:
  A lot of times when I need medicine, volunteers or herbs for home or temple help. Once I put request here less than few mins I got it. Isnt this call 善缘?

Today I want to talk about Moderate: We can do volunteer work or charity but also must moderate. U also must take care urself and ur family too.
  Now being spiritual is good but too over is no good. Some people over spiritual only think of pray pray chant and chant. But no plant seeds...

Everything must be moderate. Time to pray u pray. Time to chant u chant. Must be discipline yet no pressure. Laziness is killer for many. Some faces bad luck, and I ask them to chant to chant 5mins a day. They say no time. Speechless.... Means no help.

I ask u all do stomach detox... I think 100 read 2 do only. This period stomach detox benefits and affect a person luck.
But see who got Yuan Fen u do ba. Others u all read and read lor.

Case 2:
I have some friends into religion but act very compassionate or act very polite kind. U know... this type if u go to their group u feel very weird.

Like un-natural polite . As a result I don't have no groupie.

Or tie myself to a temple or HOME. I tell, when have group will have shi fei and hinder our progress de.

I run about like Ancient Kung Fu movie.... 浪迹江湖,把刀相助。 Many times I use the name of volunteers for charity and alot organisations dont know who omhealth was ahaha. Which I love this way. Only u all know. As they don't know this blog de la.

What is different doing volunteer in Singapore and Cambodia.... HUGE lots of different. In cambodia, the admin people very warmth one... Here I have an experience... I donate fees for medicine... first thing the admin people say " No receipt ok, cannot deduct tax.....," Gosh.... 

In cambodia, u donate a pencil a pen. people smile with gratefulness.....

Lesson A (from volunteering)
So for me, is from the  heart no need act.
There is one type of people, always like to say Amituofo....
And actually they misuse the word Amituofo.... Like when u block their way in temple, they shout loudly Amituofo, when things u do wrongly... they say amituofo... Infact when they say amituofo is out from anger or irritable an say it to clear their way ahahha...

Their amituofo when say out is like " Hey girl, wake up la, u block my way, just that I am in temple I act class say this don't want to say u"

I think u have experience in that. Actually a lot of time no need say out one.....

The seeds u all planted remember not to xpect good returns but just plant and go... One day the seed sprout , I Lao Shi guarantee u...

U know there are always new students. But there is only one Bryan Lao Shi. I find that I cant always tell new students what to do , So I put all my personal experience in my blog and website. In fact nowadays new student lucky have blog... Last time all my old students make effort keep a notebook.

Everyday I receive email of 100s, yes and all are long pages... Most are family problems, health and love.. anger ... Well all answer can be found de...

For old students with me for 10 years, I cant neglect u all. And must upgrade together with u all.
So is time to gather all old crystal class students, fengshui class students and all.:>

So remember ah. ... Love u all;

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