Saturday, October 12, 2013

Time to Feel Blessed

Many asked me: Bryan do u have time for yourself and do u lead a holy life?
Bryan: " I think I spend most of the time on searching. I go through bad mood, ego, jealousy, anger almost frequently. But the thing is I reflect and improve on my character. I become less affected by what people says and make more effort in study of all Great Master how they help people and calm their heart. 

But sometimes people do step on my nerves and get it from me... 

Aiya is common... rather I say ok and Amituofo to u and behind hate u right ahhaa. I developed a skill call the MOTHER of all NIAMNESS... I can niam u till u giddy.

I respect on all religion. I believe if Jesus, Buddha , Lord Krishna,Lao Tzu and Mother Mary meet up, they will laugh at the amount of procedures will created that bound us to conflicts, regid closed heart and incapability to feel love and happy.   God is the doer actually and Human should be Be with God. That is why we are call HUMAN BEING.

The kingdom of God is within you .... .  New comers.... for me, I respect all religion as LOVE. My course of work allows me to learn from many.

This year I have a very kind birthday; I met Gurus that guided me and to share with you knowledge that they imparted me.

I am not a great person but , I always think: WHat if I can share with more people about Loving kindness,Wisdom and let us as a group work together in loving kindness and compassion. That the world will be a better place. Everyone plays a part if we plant seeds and the Qi of Righteousness will be created and enveloped us with love and protections.

ONe thing about me, I am impatience over SMS and Whatsapp... I cannot handle technology messages. I prefer talking . May be is me.... AHahha...

Dear all, dont worry about anger, unhappiness or pain in body... all these will pass... It will. Remember when you are asleep even for an hour, ur pain is gone.... Is all about the mind. Let us meditate together 5 mins a day start off today with 21OM..

Other religion, start off today with 5 mins music breathing exercise: COunt ur breath from 100 to 1 slowly.

Use my Counch Shell Mala Now... 21OM from today 21 days:> Try it:>
Omhealth now I have delivered 11200 students on happiness:>  And till today I never want to form groups.. Because not necessary. But one thing I want to point out, if 10 percent of 11200, perform 21om daily for 21 days, means everyday there are 1120 people doing OM and dedicate to world peace:> Yeah:>
9th Lunar 9th Month 2013:>
Temple wanted to light 108 lamp but I said 2 , others save up and donate for temple fund building. Amazing right:. > I wish all donors this year and temple visit dearest students... feel ur heart brighten up. No matter what you go through now. FOR this 5 mins cultivate peace. U need to... or u live a unhappy life by dwelling on pain and sorrow. Love yourself. Give a chance the Light within you to shine and vibrates. All are illusions infact, me u and the blog... one day will disappear . But before that, we work together and return to whatever place we came from with a smile. We come to this world with tears and cries (baby) but let use leave with a smile. Life is not measured by the length we are in but the depth and attitude.

GOSH: What happen ah, I can type so good english today hor.. Yes is the energy that flows to me this 2 days and hope it helps.

Technique of 21 OM and PAF lime and frankincese came to my mind now. See how it help u... use it with ur own creativity.

All omhealth charity group we dedicate to u 3 days lamp offerings with alot prayers from tonight;) and tomorrow 9 th lunar 9th... Super auspicious to all who participated:)

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