Saturday, February 9, 2013

Super Lucky Music for the HOUSE 2013

May the Divine Love with all your family;
According to Buddhist tradition the Buddha himself revealed a mystic mantra called Ganapathihrdaya to his close disciple Ananda at Rajagriha. Followers of the Mahayana Buddhism allotted a specific place for Ganesha in their drawings of Mandalas or mystic diagrams. In China as well as in Japan, Buddha was worshipped in two forms. One was the traditional Ganesha with the usual and familiar appearance and the other was a two faced Ganesha standing opposite to each other. The laughing Buddha who became popular in China shares some physical features with Ganesha and is also associated with good luck and good fortune. The following music cleanse ur house all negativity and mood negativity. Smile when listen u will know what I mean. If u feel good sms me

[ Om Shant Shanti Shanti Happy New year ]

Temple visit get ready ur flower coin and Fu Qi coin that day ok for those who have!

Happenings past snake year
1941 Pearl Harbour attacks,
1989 Tian An Men incidents and the
2001 September 11 terrorist attacks
From here, we learn that being calm and chant mantra and breathing exercise very important this year. Also listen more good music and play at home. No need too loud. At the same time wear ur bracelet crystal especially black tourmaline!

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