Friday, February 8, 2013

Snake of Poison Breathe 2013

Snake year is here. Take note of followings and have peaceful year
Common problems:
  1. I cannot quieten my mind (healing trees oil )
  2. My mind is scattered (bryan relaxation blend)
  3. My mind is restless (foot massage and stomach massage)
  4. My heart is empty sadness (478 breathing exercise)
  5. My body is weak all the times  (because u no rest and stress la)

1) Bodyache or headache or bloated stomach if happen, do more breathing exercise and see a TCM

2) Anger arises very easily in beginning of this 3 month so dont lost ur cool. Every temper lost u may be driving all the temple visit good luck. Our body has 28 stars surrounding us. Although is unavoidable as we are still human being to lost our cool sometimes.. Whenever we lost our cool, kwanyin ma will never leave us. Just apologise and call her name and say u will slowly improve yourself.
Slowly all lucky star will come back in 3 days. In business or career, we avoid lost temper. U see all rich/success people always calm and clear in all situations. Learn from nature , learn from them. I have many students who practice Kwan Yin way of treating people, excel in family etc... see the sms u know, she just smile every time her boss shouted at her... And guess her luck so good until daughter son all got good awards at school and ECA and appraisal some more.

3) Remember to pray to ancestor from ur heart this 2 days. Say thank u and may they be peace.

4) Who ever u meet in life, they are all Buddha in nature. Treat everyone as kwan yin. SO if they scold u or impatience over u, u should have a compassion and know this is sufferings and pray for them in ur heart. The moment u do that the greatest blessings of 9 star and extra FU LU SHOU star shine on u. This is very powerful next 20 years . This is how I receive greatest blessings for all these years. Is not a secret.

Over the years I have heard many accounts of the inner awakening . The self is obscured by an agitated mind  --- be it anger, fear or despair. If a wind stir up our mind it Flare out. Breathing exercise daily 3 mins and saying OM is the way we can at least do to tame this mind. 
U can be very successful and rich but without having a tame mind, u cant go far. U lost the inner happiness.

The awakening can also be happen in the presence of a self realization as it did for me in the presence of my teacher. Chanting mantra a simple one (dont too many) frequently helps.

Below are CDs many ask me what I play in class. U can get from CD shop anyway. Is a gift from my teacher. SO dont ask me which shop la.

SMU Teaching Breathing Exercise: Have u done urs today?

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