Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Peaceful Night to all.

Today a Super Blessings and also have u seen a close up of lotus , and I tell u, the cloud have elephant again. But i say until u sian already with so much evidence. So be happy ok. Have faith not with me, but  with God or Ur Divine la. I am just a information sharing Oracle Database.
I love this

 [There is a vast difference between being "happy" and finding a genuine inner peace that "passes all understanding" to quote the book. Happiness is often confused for inner peace. The two are not the same. One can be having a miserable experience and still be at the core "at peace." You can be suffering through the loss of a loved one, career, belief or be in a health crisis an still have an inner peace. When you meet these unusual people, you remember them. The bottom line is tied directly to how one graciously accepts what is as opposed to demanding life be some other way for happiness to be. Happiness is that shallow and temporary fix one gets from stuff, position and comfort, while peace is that deep ability to not define the real self by such elusive qualities. Inner peace is the ability to say "is that so" when life does what it does and defeat the drama queen in all of us with presence.]

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