Thursday, February 14, 2013

5th day Calculation 2013

Once a year on the 5th day of CNY. I will use my ICHING to calculate what is the mantra to help u all for the year.

Remember chanting of mantra is to quiet ur heart and mind to handle situations.

Mantra is : 心经 (buy a exercise book, copy once a week if can) But first time copy 3 consecutive dates. When u copy, light abit kim sandalwood powder.

Mantra to chant 2013 for safety and protection is :
All mantras are the same, just that I calculated this will help many this year and well u can continue to chant all mantra u have. But remember keep it simple and dont ever ever think which mantra is more powerful than which. If u think that way , u are still at level 0. Some people learn mantra 100 of them, always no focus, here learn there learn , here go there go. End  up go nowhere.

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