Wednesday, February 6, 2013

2013 : How and Obstacles

2013 is a year of rebuild. 2012 is a challenge year, example, let u see clearly who are bad people and is a year u want to feel happy.Even the dragon veins MRx suffers lor in dragon year. 

Role of omhealth is to encourage everyone to think not to follow me blindly. I dont want to be  a Master and followers. I want to be like friends and see your improvements. Many times u sms me, or tell me ur problems, i didnt reply or just reply one word...because too many sms. But bear in mind, the minute u tell me, I got pray for u all one. I hope my directness sometimes dont offend u.

2013 is 8 star 个归位 returns home symbolise opportunities. Many of my client lost their job in 2012 but in 2013 lapchun period found a job. U see the lost and found of energy Well following some simple procedures helps. Do read .

Lately many about husband unfaithful problems. Ladies and aunties. TAKE BACK YOUR POWER. dont let the person drained u. Be smart in handling cases like this. First is take care your heatlh, lock ur money and ur rights. Never fight. Because when a person heart change hor, u cry u die they also dont bother... so follow below procedure and let UNIVERSE help u. but sometimes relationships failed u cant blame ur husband or wife. IT CAN BE YOU!!!

Dear all. Every year there are new comers. And always I need emphasis on what is obstacles.

Example: Mr X, go church all the time, but when he is face with a series of problems, he lost the faith . And start to have doubt.

Bryan's reply: Well, be it church or temple. A person or human will face obstacles in life. What u call obstacles is how your mind perceive it. I know , I know.... U may be thinking " u not in obstacles u wont know one la".  Not true, I have alot of obstacles to face when i was young, family career work etc. But I always remember my Master says something " All success people have alot of obstacles before they turn to successful person". At that time I listen listen only . but as I get older, I truely understand the law of Universe. God created us is not to make us suffer but to train us. Sometimes in our past life or our life we have alot of "contract" with different people, so this life we need to clear it. I tell myself to be a better person this life ahahah so next life born in royal family (hahah i was joking la).

Quick Remedies:
If u have problems with work/money (do affirmations, breathing exercise, massage stomach with sunflower slimming oil and repair relationship with ur father ), if u have problems with relationships( do affirmations and apply healing trees oil on base of foot before sleep) 
If u have lost passion in life and not happy anymore: ( wear your clarity crystal bracelet or affirmation bracelet on your right hand and do affirmations)

Best remedies to handle obstacles:

A blue pen, a piece of paper and grapefruit pink and lavender on tissue.

1) 2 drops lavendula and 2 drops grapefruit pink on tissue. Put on desk
2) Write down and list down your problems .
3) Cry if u want.
4) Than use this affirmations:
example chronic neck pain
[Dear body and neck, I have tried all method and the pain is still there. I run out of idea how to handle you already. I will do what is necessary and will not give u(pain) power. Today I take back my power and I acknowledge your presence, so I let go now and throw u away. My body is in Divine order and I believe it will be heal one day, bye bye pain"
5) Wash toilet immediately with rose geranium and 5 element oil.

Above method Bryan has helped many who suffers from depressions and chronic pain. A guy who have heel pain for 1 year, totally recover 95%.

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