6 Singing bowl arrived with wonderful sound; Do order from orders@omhealth.com
How to use:
Current singing bowl is 5 to 6 inch in diameter. Some of u refer to 10 years ago website of different sizes so please take note:>
I have conduct singing bowl class since 2011 and in 2012 we have a singing bowl concert class at National Library.
Singing bowl is for vibrational energy and not to be mix up with too many things. I always say simplicity.
Below are articles written past 10 years and I consolidate for u today
I am glad to have a singing bowl that I will use to cleanse my aura, purify my mind through the good harmonics of 7 metal and at the same time, I will put my crystals in the bowl to cleanse and energised by crystals:>
Playing singing bowls can be an extremely powerful for balancing your life. When played properly and with pure intention, singing bowls can purify the mindt and cleanse the energy house or people around listening. These beautiful musical tones can also cleanse negative energy or emotions from stones and crystals. Stones and crystals can be used for protection and emotional balance, and will collect negative energy during their use. Keep them clean for the most effective results.
Self healing:Hold the bowl gong litely and with eyes close relax, listen to the vibrations:>
Crystal Cleansing
How to do it?
Put the stones inside the bowl, And use the mallet to hit the bowl 3 -4 times, After each hit, like the harmonics vibrates and smile, follow by another hit:>
The music combined with your intentions will remove negative energies from the stones and crystals.
Many know that I am in Crystal therapy for 18 years, and it took me ages to find good 7 metal singingbowl made by Master:> Different, each bowl, and is not machine made:>
Bryan’s singing bowls activated with Happiness
7 Metal Tibetan Singing Bowls
Gold - Sun
Silver - Moon
Mercury - Mercury
Copper – Venus
Iron - Mars
Tin - Jupiter
Lead - Saturn
Experts : We knew that these marvelous instruments with their harmonious vibrations have the ability to take us out of ourselves, our ego, and bring peace and harmony to our body, mind and spirit. They have the ability to put us into alpha or theta brainwave states that allow us to access a quiet, peaceful state of mind, which Dr. Mitchell Gaynor believes has a powerful healing effect on our bodies, mind and spirit.............
When the bowls are activated into singing the vibration energy can be transported in and through the human body using the body fluids as a vehicle of transport.
Beginners: Get yourself seated comfortably on the sofa or floor. Hold the singing bowl on your palm. Gong a few times with your eyes closed. Feel the vibrations.
Arrived!! I will courier to the ten customers who ordered this two days. Its really a wonderful piece.
A good singing bowl at home will really help in many areas..... Bryan's genuine handmade singing bowl with healing energy ready to be ordered via orders@omhealth.com at $300to 350 each.
How do the vibrations from the singing bowls help in the healing process?
It can be said that illness is a manifestation of dis-harmony within the body—an imbalance in the cells or a given organ and that healing can be achieved by restoring the normal vibratory frequencies of the diseased, out-of-harmony parts of the body.
Since all matter is energy vibrating at different rates, by altering the rate of vibration we can change the structure of matter. Sound from the bowls entrain the brain to move into the deeper Alpha and Theta brain wave frequencies that induce deep meditative and peaceful states, clarity of mind, and intuition.
When placed directly on the body, the sound vibrations are transmitted into our blood, organs, tissues, and cellular memory through the 80% water in our system. The sound vibrations impact our nervous system, engaging our relaxation reflex and inhibiting the stress or pain response.
It reduces brain wave activity, slows the respiratory and heart rate creating ’Cardio-Respiratory Synchronicity’—the perfect condition to release blocked energy and bring the body back into alignment.
Dr. Gaynor mentioned that the ancient Himalayan bowls are made from a consecrated seven-metal alloy which, when skillfully stimulated, produces five individual and simultaneous tones, each at its own consistent frequency, which vibrationally dance with each other.
The raw materials were collected, smelted and purified, cast, reheated and hammered into shape and tone. Mantras or sacred chants were sung and infused intent into the bowls.
Their sound synchronizes sentient brain waves and creates a therapeutic effect upon the mind/body realization.
Singing bowls produce the primordial sound of ’AUM’: The fundamental utterance of energy metamorphosing into matter. They alter space, mind and time; awakening cellular memory and healing the energy body. The act of listening to their captivating overtones effectively stops one's internal dialog, the ’Monkey Mind’.
The individual is transported into a space of tranquility and balance where the ’Universal Chord’, found within each self, is touched, joined with, and understood. The Universal Chord, if you will, is the primordial substance from which our whole reality is made and from which our universe originated. Although the vibrational energy of the bowls can be directed to a specific area for healing purposes, they work more on a fundamental level.
These instruments are used within meditations and physical vibrational healing techniques. Their harmonic resonance is used to:
· Reduce stress and pain
· Balance energy
· Create vitality synchronization and spontaneous healing
· Effectively alter consciousness into a peaceful and expansive meditative state (trance induction)
If we accept that sound is vibration and we know that vibration touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is heard not only through our ears but through every cell in our bodies. One reason sound heals on a physical level is, because it so deeply touches and transforms us on the emotional and spiritual planes. Sound can redress imbalances on every level of physiologic functioning and can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder."
There is a trinity of Tibetan spiritual sound objects used for healing—the Singing Bowls, the Ganta and the Tingshas.
· The Bowls emit a quieting, centering energy
· The Ganta (bell) a motivating and unifying influence and the Tingshas stimulate energy fields
· The ancient bowls actually come from various Himalayan regions including Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan and are made from a consecrated seven metal alloy. Prayers and mantras were chanted to them during their creation so they carry that sacred energy
Used within meditations and physical healings the bowls’ characteristic blend of harmonic resonances are used as a vibrational tool to induce stress reduction, chakra balancing, energy synchronization and spontaneous healing. They effectively alter consciousness into a peaceful and expansive meditative state. Participants report a fundamental shift in their view of phenomenon space, accentuated clarity of mind and body, enhanced creativity and a sense of peace and well-being.
On a biological level these instruments affect a great deal of physical change but Tibetan bowl healing has far-reaching implications that occur on emotional, spiritual, and physical levels. It is a regenerative process married to a spiritual awakening that can have profound consequences on illness, disease, and all aspects of our lives. In fact, mainstream medical teaching facilities like Duke University and the University of North Carolina have added programs that link body, mind, and spirit to the treatment of cancer. Cancer prevention centers are utilizing sound as a vital part of the healing process for patients with astounding results.
Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, director of Medical Oncology and Integrative Medicine, the Cornell Cancer Prevention Center in New York
FAQs: Some burn KM yan in it.
Bryan’s singing bowls activated with Happiness
7 Metal Tibetan Singing Bowls
Gold - Sun
Silver - Moon
Mercury - Mercury
Copper – Venus
Iron - Mars
Tin - Jupiter
Lead - Saturn
Experts : We knew that these marvelous instruments with their harmonious vibrations have the ability to take us out of ourselves, our ego, and bring peace and harmony to our body, mind and spirit. They have the ability to put us into alpha or theta brainwave states that allow us to access a quiet, peaceful state of mind, which Dr. Mitchell Gaynor believes has a powerful healing effect on our bodies, mind and spirit.............
When the bowls are activated into singing the vibration energy can be transported in and through the human body using the body fluids as a vehicle of transport.
Beginners: Get yourself seated comfortably on the sofa or floor. Hold the singing bowl on your palm. Gong a few times with your eyes closed. Feel the vibrations.
Arrived!! I will courier to the ten customers who ordered this two days. Its really a wonderful piece.
A good singing bowl at home will really help in many areas..... Bryan's genuine handmade singing bowl with healing energy ready to be ordered via orders@omhealth.com at $300to 350 each.
How do the vibrations from the singing bowls help in the healing process?
It can be said that illness is a manifestation of dis-harmony within the body—an imbalance in the cells or a given organ and that healing can be achieved by restoring the normal vibratory frequencies of the diseased, out-of-harmony parts of the body.
Since all matter is energy vibrating at different rates, by altering the rate of vibration we can change the structure of matter. Sound from the bowls entrain the brain to move into the deeper Alpha and Theta brain wave frequencies that induce deep meditative and peaceful states, clarity of mind, and intuition.
When placed directly on the body, the sound vibrations are transmitted into our blood, organs, tissues, and cellular memory through the 80% water in our system. The sound vibrations impact our nervous system, engaging our relaxation reflex and inhibiting the stress or pain response.
It reduces brain wave activity, slows the respiratory and heart rate creating ’Cardio-Respiratory Synchronicity’—the perfect condition to release blocked energy and bring the body back into alignment.
Dr. Gaynor mentioned that the ancient Himalayan bowls are made from a consecrated seven-metal alloy which, when skillfully stimulated, produces five individual and simultaneous tones, each at its own consistent frequency, which vibrationally dance with each other.
The raw materials were collected, smelted and purified, cast, reheated and hammered into shape and tone. Mantras or sacred chants were sung and infused intent into the bowls.
Their sound synchronizes sentient brain waves and creates a therapeutic effect upon the mind/body realization.
Singing bowls produce the primordial sound of ’AUM’: The fundamental utterance of energy metamorphosing into matter. They alter space, mind and time; awakening cellular memory and healing the energy body. The act of listening to their captivating overtones effectively stops one's internal dialog, the ’Monkey Mind’.
The individual is transported into a space of tranquility and balance where the ’Universal Chord’, found within each self, is touched, joined with, and understood. The Universal Chord, if you will, is the primordial substance from which our whole reality is made and from which our universe originated. Although the vibrational energy of the bowls can be directed to a specific area for healing purposes, they work more on a fundamental level.
These instruments are used within meditations and physical vibrational healing techniques. Their harmonic resonance is used to:
· Reduce stress and pain
· Balance energy
· Create vitality synchronization and spontaneous healing
· Effectively alter consciousness into a peaceful and expansive meditative state (trance induction)
If we accept that sound is vibration and we know that vibration touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is heard not only through our ears but through every cell in our bodies. One reason sound heals on a physical level is, because it so deeply touches and transforms us on the emotional and spiritual planes. Sound can redress imbalances on every level of physiologic functioning and can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder."
There is a trinity of Tibetan spiritual sound objects used for healing—the Singing Bowls, the Ganta and the Tingshas.
· The Bowls emit a quieting, centering energy
· The Ganta (bell) a motivating and unifying influence and the Tingshas stimulate energy fields
· The ancient bowls actually come from various Himalayan regions including Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan and are made from a consecrated seven metal alloy. Prayers and mantras were chanted to them during their creation so they carry that sacred energy
Used within meditations and physical healings the bowls’ characteristic blend of harmonic resonances are used as a vibrational tool to induce stress reduction, chakra balancing, energy synchronization and spontaneous healing. They effectively alter consciousness into a peaceful and expansive meditative state. Participants report a fundamental shift in their view of phenomenon space, accentuated clarity of mind and body, enhanced creativity and a sense of peace and well-being.
On a biological level these instruments affect a great deal of physical change but Tibetan bowl healing has far-reaching implications that occur on emotional, spiritual, and physical levels. It is a regenerative process married to a spiritual awakening that can have profound consequences on illness, disease, and all aspects of our lives. In fact, mainstream medical teaching facilities like Duke University and the University of North Carolina have added programs that link body, mind, and spirit to the treatment of cancer. Cancer prevention centers are utilizing sound as a vital part of the healing process for patients with astounding results.
Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, director of Medical Oncology and Integrative Medicine, the Cornell Cancer Prevention Center in New York
FAQs: Some burn KM yan in it.
1) Kum Mo Yan must placed inside the singing bowl until it complete burning or take it out after finish “gong” all the rooms?
Reply > Can take out or let it burn till it complete burning. Take note and be careful as it is hot
2) Can I “gong” the singing bowl for all rooms without burning kum mo yanat night or must it be done during daytime as mentioned by you for singing bowl with kum mo yan?Reply > Best to do house cleansing during day time.. with or without KM yan.3) I can only Gong at night but you said day time is best for house cleansing, what should I do?Reply > I guess you have to arrange your personal timing....perhaps do it on weekends or when you are not working?
4) Where can I put my Singing Bowl after using it? Reply > Keep in your cupboard.
5) How many times to "gong" Singing Bowl how many times?
Reply > Oh! 1 to 108 times! Its up to individual :D 6) Can other people touch my singing bowl?
Reply > Yes. No superstitious and non religious. Anyone can touch.
7) I want to buy Singing bowl but husband doesn't like it, how?
Reply > You have the weigh the Pros and Cons..either you sayang sayang your husband or you don't get it afterall...If your husband does not like it, do not buy. Family harmony is more important then singing bowl, right?8) If I want to "gong" my Singing bowl, can I gong it when I have PMS?
Reply > Of course, you can. Place on your tummy and "gong" more... you will feel better.9) My husband always lost temper, how to use singing bowl to stop his temper?
Reply > Waooo...Maybe take your Singing bowl and "gong" in front of him and sing him a song??
10) My children hardly can concentrate in their studies, can singing bowl help?
Reply > Ermm...Ermm...singing bowl is not a miracle bowl...neither it is a magic bowl...
11) What's so special about your Singing Bowl?
Reply > Many feedback its good. Brought out of the mountains and consolidated..the finest pieces are set aside and kept.. Bryan will make his personal selection according to harmonic balance, ease and smoothness of playing, sound, volume and long sustain........... QUALITY SINGING BOWL.....
Each bowl to invest is $300 to $350, and can last forvever:> Enjoy:> Video can be found: http://bryanverygoodluck.blogspot.com/search/label/Singing%20Bowl%20Video%20Clips
2012 articles
2012 articles
FAQ for Singing Bowl
1) Kum Mo Yan must placed inside the singing bowl until it complete burning or take it out after finish “gong” all the rooms?
Reply > Can take out or let it burn till it complete burning. Take note and be careful as it is hot
2) Can I “gong” the singing bowl for all rooms without burning kum mo yanat night or must it be done during daytime as mentioned by you for singing bowl with kum mo yan?Reply > Best to do house cleansing during day time.. with or without KMyan.3) I can only Gong at night but you said day time is best for house cleansing, what should I do?Reply > I guess you have to arrange your personal timing....perhaps do it on weekends or when you are not working?
4) Where can I put my Singing Bowl after using it? Reply > Keep in your cupboard.
5) How many times to "gong" Singing Bowl how many times?
Reply > Oh! 1 to 108 times! Its up to individual :D 6) Can other people touch my singing bowl?
Reply > Yes. No superstitious and non religious. Anyone can touch.
7) I want to buy Singing bowl but husband doesn't like it, how?
Reply > You have the weigh the Pros and Cons..either you sayang sayang your husband or you don't get it afterall...If your husband does not like it, do not buy. Family harmony is more important then singing bowl, right?8) If I want to "gong" my Singing bowl, can I gong it when I have PMS?
Reply > Of course, you can. Place on your tummy and "gong" more... you will feel better.9) My husband always lost temper, how to use singing bowl to stop his temper?
Reply > Waooo...Maybe take your Singing bowl and "gong" in front of him and sing him a song??
10) My children hardly can concentrate in their studies, can singing bowl help?
Reply > Ermm...Ermm...singing bowl is not a miracle bowl...neither it is a magic bowl...
11) What's so special about your Singing Bowl?
Reply > Many feedback its good. Brought out of the mountains and consolidated..the finest pieces are set aside and kept.. Bryan will make his personal selection according to harmonic balance, ease and smoothness of playing, sound, volume and long sustain........... QUALITY SINGING BOWL....
Reply > Can take out or let it burn till it complete burning. Take note and be careful as it is hot
2) Can I “gong” the singing bowl for all rooms without burning kum mo yanat night or must it be done during daytime as mentioned by you for singing bowl with kum mo yan?Reply > Best to do house cleansing during day time.. with or without KMyan.3) I can only Gong at night but you said day time is best for house cleansing, what should I do?Reply > I guess you have to arrange your personal timing....perhaps do it on weekends or when you are not working?
4) Where can I put my Singing Bowl after using it? Reply > Keep in your cupboard.
5) How many times to "gong" Singing Bowl how many times?
Reply > Oh! 1 to 108 times! Its up to individual :D 6) Can other people touch my singing bowl?
Reply > Yes. No superstitious and non religious. Anyone can touch.
7) I want to buy Singing bowl but husband doesn't like it, how?
Reply > You have the weigh the Pros and Cons..either you sayang sayang your husband or you don't get it afterall...If your husband does not like it, do not buy. Family harmony is more important then singing bowl, right?8) If I want to "gong" my Singing bowl, can I gong it when I have PMS?
Reply > Of course, you can. Place on your tummy and "gong" more... you will feel better.9) My husband always lost temper, how to use singing bowl to stop his temper?
Reply > Waooo...Maybe take your Singing bowl and "gong" in front of him and sing him a song??
10) My children hardly can concentrate in their studies, can singing bowl help?
Reply > Ermm...Ermm...singing bowl is not a miracle bowl...neither it is a magic bowl...
11) What's so special about your Singing Bowl?
Reply > Many feedback its good. Brought out of the mountains and consolidated..the finest pieces are set aside and kept.. Bryan will make his personal selection according to harmonic balance, ease and smoothness of playing, sound, volume and long sustain........... QUALITY SINGING BOWL....
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