Monday, November 14, 2011

Dragon 2012 (House and Personal Item)

Dragon Year Talk research begins early this year . One thing about giving fengshui talk is u must be very clear minded. When u delivering the talk , is important to put yourelf in the shoes of many. And take care of the feelings of all. In the talk, u all want remedies but not theory, thats what my talk is about. Remedies to problems. Not instil problems and fear into you. Aiya, everyyear is a tough year lor, if u listen to all FSM, remember they say Tiger year was worst and blah bah blah, but u see with our affirmation and positive coins many strike TOTO and lottery and found new job that year. And that year my Power Beauty Health Talk recognised internationally and this year they say Rabbit Year very bad but with positive thinking. My health talk was recognised in Hospital and I deliver workshop to a group of Doctors.

A fengshui talk can be as simple as just talk about 12 animal signs, but i think for mine workshop, u guys know that a five min slides I take months to prepare. A simple remedies, I need to affirm and re affirm with Masters. That is why they say a Libra when giving seminar is the most stressful compare to all signs because we are perfectionist and we always want people to be happy and taken care of:>

In my talk on 7th Jan, there will be alot of prayers. And I request Masters from different countries to send love and light to the Auditorium so as all who attend will be blessed. I want to thank all for supporting my all these years. I dont ask for more in this life because , I really contented what I have. I dont need alot of people to support me, as long as you know I am sincere. Wa... very (ba.....)

So far: Gui ren bag and Flower coin brings good news , if not happiness to many. Remember as long as u are human being we will face up and down. But with a pure heart, stable heart and calm heart , all problems can be eliminated:>

Completed my research on Dragon Year. Next year there are TWO items to stop the WATER waves of the WATER Dragon and transform the waves as our pushing kinetic energy to increase our luck.


Item A[$38]) Beautiful Designed multicolor item (to be announced) for putting in HOUSE (last forever and if can adopt in Dragon year it will bring alot of blessing to family, for whole family). Will be activated in a puja:>AND A MASTER RELATED TO THIS ITEM IS REQUESTED TO ACTIVATE THE ITEM ( I want to thank him , with his wisdom age of 80 and always helping people , he always says i am a good boy ahhaha (he thought i am still young)

Item B) Personal Coin to be used forever and only dragon year have. [ Activated at korea temple, Kuala Lumpur temple, Malecca Temple, Hong Kong Holy Land and Temple and Singapore Temple and Tibetan Temple:>) ...........$38

NB: Angel workshop Completed with alot of happening, some says that when I call them few days before workshop they smell some fragrance and when in my class after angel attunement , they found the same fragrance, Some see rainbows but like me, I cant see anything but feel JOY and PEACE:>

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