Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Negative Spirits and Energy and Being Possessed? or Errie Babies?

Many times when a so call "master" tell you above you will be so uneasy and spent $$$ in a no choice manner:; And say you have unlucky star or evil spirit follow you which makes a person so uncomfy. Than every year must clear end up u could spend $10000..... Hmmm u rich u spend lor........Why not listen to international Master , certified monks teachings which given to Bryan Lao Shi and share with you now....

Teachings from Bryan's Master:
The World International Master once told Bryan, in Singapore , Taiwan etc countries is almost impossible to be possessed because we have alot of prayers done and alot good karma. Alot of time is the mind that is not calm and ownself scare ownself:>

Rinpoche told me : " U people nothing to do, ownself fear ownself, Buddha teach you mantra since thousands years ago yet u all are lazy and take for granted the power of mantra...."

Few thousand years of mantra taught by BUDDHA can help to remove negative energy from our body but our ignorance mind always love to complicates things. Alot of time we bring the negative on ourself and we all put blame to " Ghost or negative energy" which is wrong. Simple things u dont want, u want complicated method, end up come back ask me what to do.... U will get scolding from me..... I was so disappointed when some after read my blog still insist go fortune teller than end up scare and sms me.... U know u ownself find problems and will ended up BIG SCOLDING by me.

Tara Mantra: The Tara mantra is one of the most widely-used mantras in Tibetan Buddhism. It works to liberate one of all fears, remove obstacles, and facilitate good intentions for the world. I have found it to be extremely powerful in my own life. In addition, the mantra is said to help with the well being of the world in general. In these current times, it is a very useful practice, serving to calm one’s own fears and at the same time, emit a strong positive intention. U can find in many Hollywood movies the dash of Tara Mantra was chanted:>

The Green Tara mantra can be recited to remove obstacles, fears and worries. Tara works swiftly to assist you! Chant this mantra each morning and each night. Turn to Mother Tara when you feel a need of comfort; when you feel depressed or when you want some project to succeed. This mantra will lift your spirits instantly. Is a mantra that helps to drives away the ignorance mind and brighten our heart.

I want all of you to chant Tara mantra with love and just chant dont think for results, expectations etc....

Bryan's 3 days prayers method to Cleanse your body or House from "negative force", possessed or "The Others".

A) Morning shower with 5 element oil or (clean house): Light Kim Sandalwood Powder: Chant Da Bo Gong Mantra 49 times and than chant Tara Mantra or Medicine Buddha mantra 108 times

(optional Gong Singing bowl 3 times after chant)
B) Follow by alternate nose breathing 3 mins. (Many times people who are possessed or have negative energy, actually "negative energy "gone le but the weak mind is deprived of oxygen which created illusions and ownself fear ownself. So a breathing exercise strengthen the body)

C) Eat a satchet of Huo Siang Powder between 12pm to 2pm; Huo Siang Powder is very good for health if taken once a month:> I do that, good for tummy, dampness and wind:> This timing eating this herbs increase the YANG Energy. A famous INdonesian Master once teach me eating Huo Siang Tea is very good too.

D) Evening: Shower with Huo Siang Oil (Bryan relaxation blend) and Chant Tara Mantra 108 times before sleep.

Do it for 3 days:> if you suspect yourself have "tHE oTHERS" OR House "not clean"

NB: Singing Bowl and Kum Mo Yan Set chant mantra walk around the house before 12pm, charge the house with good energy:>


NoRMaN TsAi said...

Hi all,

Been chanting Green Tara Mantra whenever I smudge my house with KumMoYan set every Friday & 初一十五 and feel calmness and peace.

Just wanna share what i found abt the meaning of Tara Mantra:

Om Tare Tu Tare Ture Soha

Om: ah = essence of awakened body; o ( naro)= essence of awakened speech; m = essence of awakened mind

Tare: quickly with boldness

Tuttare: clearing away all fear, distress and suffering of all beings

Ture: complete victory of truth over all negativity

Soha/svaha: all accomplishments

Source: http://www.sukhasiddhi.org/docs/MeaningofTaraMantra.pdf

Thank you for imparting this mantra to us Bryan :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan Lao Shi

Can I bath 5 element oil at night before sleep.

with Bryan Lao Shi said...

Yes u can bath one drop final rinse body before sleep:>