Monday, October 31, 2011

Energy so strong:> (read previous article first)

Gosh after writing previous article I did an Angel Card reading few minutes ago: Same card appeared twice which coincide with my previous meditaions (previous article)

Arc Angel Gabriel appear twice, same card appeared twice in a deck of 45 card.

Hmmm, luckily I dont need to prove to anyone ... Because I stop doing card reading for people 10 years ago. My reason for posting this message is not trying to tell u how powerful my card reading is. I just want to share with you, energy of Healing is everyone, spend sometime to heal yourself this few days.

My Message is: " Write down how u feel this week and writing will help you solve problems, so get a note book or journal...."

NB: Must be all the puja and lamp offerings, Angels is sending us healing energy. Feel it hor.

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