Wednesday, October 5, 2011


This blog was blessed. Anyone who came across this blog need not buy anything but I hope you will be encouraged and be inspired in some ways along your life.

Motivation behind Bryan: Life is so short. I am not a saint...not a psychic and definitely not a celebrity. All I want to do is to spread loving kindness and happiness to all. I wouldn't be able to do much on my own but I will do my best, and hope everyone can start to cultivate this intention too. There are so many ways to share and help can be by prayers, puja, donations or even our thoughts and words in our daily life. I believed every little positive thoughts, good intention for the highest good will be manifested if we put our heart to it.

Some of you maybe thinking, " Even if I do good to others, but others not good to me also no use." OR "Why should I be good to others when they are not good?" Having this thought will deminish your good intention that underlies in your subconsious...Do not compare. Everything starts from ourselves... cultivate ourselves first.

When you wake up every morning and before leaving the house, say " May anyone who sees me feel happy. May anyone who is not feeling happy to get better and slowly happier each day."

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