Friday, September 16, 2011

Birth Day, Month and Year

It is quite common that to have Unlucky/Lucky stars entering our life chart once a blue moon, and caused a stir of good and bad luck in the pot. As long as we are human beings, even high masters need to go through good luck and bad luck. When I say "Luck", it need not necessary be about monetary but perhaps emotions, series of event and blockages. Example, the least expected Famous Fengshui Master can be involved in shi fei and gossips etc.....

If unlucky stars were to come our way, we should learn how to equip ourselves to tackle them and not be fearful of them. Being fearful doesn't help and will only attract more negativity. I am very fortunate to meet all Grand Masters who taught me skills from ancient prayers to healing crystals and 12 Nov 2011, Secret Incense making procedure and Angel Healing Class (Hey! Have you registered?).

Not forgetting an important event in 2012. Yes! That's right. 7th Jan 2012 is "Welcome Dragon Year" talk. I will share a famous Cantonese Ming Jian Ancient Knowledge on discovering whether a not, you clashed with yourself in this life. Simple and very easy to check. Of course, I will also share how to reduce the negative effects.

We have a very short attention lifespan. When we learnt something, we will be very enthusiastic to do it. For example, when I teach a new mantra, you start to chant day and night because you know its good for you. (even when I say you need to spend only 3 min a day to chant) but you will insist to chant a lot.... So after 1 year....are you still chanting your prayers faithfully without fail? How many of you still chant even 3 mins a day? Haizzz....many people are just enthusiatic for 5mins only...

I have 2 new powerful mantra and having done with my calculation using 6636, the time is not ripe to teach you yet. I have yet to teach anyone new mantra this year because you have not fulfilled your task of chanting Da Bo Gong mantra , kwan yin mantra and Tara mantra...hmmm..

Senerio 2:

I said that burning Kum Mo Yan with sandalwood powder and 5 elements oil good when burn once a week. Some of you super "Good Lat" burn it daily but after become lazy.... Human beings tend to be "good lat" only when we are faced with real problems....

** "Good Lat" means hardworking.

Chanting of mantra, doing breathing exercise, holding flower coin to make wishes should be done at least twice a week. This is for your own good to clear your sky and let your luck shines beautifully. You think good luck can be achieved so easily?? Yes, you can but can you maintain your good luck and be consistent in your life? You must work hard and put in effort......

Good Luck Item for the Month

1) Precious exclusive Singing Bowl( You need to wait about 2 months to be ready but you can order first.) A music therapist ordered another 2 more from me!

2) Affirmation Bracelet Lion Dance on 11 Sep 2011. (You can order now0

3) Clear Quartz Clarity Healing Bracelet activated on Bai Lu Day for clarity life .

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