Monday, August 29, 2011

September 2011: What to DO

With reference to: the answer is here.

Sep 2011: Mini Advice
It is a month of reflection and a month of sorting out your thoughts. Renew your energy after many emotional struggling and unhappiness during past few months. Many aura system may have slight debris of negativity which can easily removed by going for a walk along the sea side between 7am to 8am. Alternatively, you can also burn Kum Mo Yan Set on 11 Sep 2011, at anytime.

Anyone feeling very "not good "or many blockages this month can face either South East or North East direction to do 636 breathing exercise. Otherwise, hold your black tourmaline bracelet and facing either one of this direction and do a breathing exercise. Or spray Protection Space Clearing spray at SE or NE . You can do it in living room just face this direction and spray into the air 3 times and say," Peace, Harmony and Good Qi arise now". Or say after doing your breathing exercise.

Key Calculation for Sep 2011: A lot of breathing exercise will clear a lot of bad energy this month. That is why I have a 200 people positive affirmation class Hahahahaa...Its FULL HOUSE already :)

Few days ago, I have a picture reading. The answer as follows:

1) Picture ONE: Please tolerate any unhappiness or unhappy things this month. Many "small" people will come and disturb you. It can be words that disturb you. Remember, do not flare up. Must take care of your health even for small illnesses. Consult your doctor k. Final rinse with the 5 elements oil brings wonder.

Juice: Green Apple with Pineapple juice once a week.
Flower Tea: Peppermint tea is needed to improve luck.

2) PICTURE TWO: Do not be greedy or get big headed when people praise you. Luck for this month is quite good if you think positively. A good month to learn herbal tea and soup which will greatly benefit your health. Try to buy your friends or colleagues a meal, as it will bring you good luck.

Juice: Prune Juice (One bottle is enough)
Flower Tea: Earl grey once a week minimum, (drink before 12pm) will greatly improve overall luck.

3)Picture THREE: With proper planning, you will succeed in many things for next few months. Any difficult situation or emotion facing now will amplify this month but it is for your own good. Experience headache quite easily if you do not do head massage. Even if you do not have any health problem, see a TCM one time will improve luck this month.

JUICE: Beetroot and Red Apple Juice
Flower Tea: Jasmine tea to drink before 11am will improve your luck for this month.

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