Monday, July 18, 2011

Time Flies

A lady just called and told me that her son is going to army OCS. When she first attended my class with her son, he was only 7 years old. At that time, her son experienced some nightmares. He is ok now. She kept telling me 5 elementd oil is good Hahahahaaa.... Thank you.

Forgiveness aroma blend for healing :
Today's topic is about forgiveness:

This is a month where many relationship problems will surface from old to new relationship. This is a month we tend to forget the original love that we used to have. This is a month when we look back, and felt disappointed why the person who once love you so much, but treated you this way ... This is a month you will be thinking why that person treat you badly. This is a month you will think why your children cannot appreciate what you have done for them. This is a month of relationship issues....

This is a month you will see a person clearly, and this is a month you must exercise the power of forgiveness and let go.

Daffodil is a flower that I used to buy and displayed on my study desk when I was in Australia. It symbolised forgiveness.

Forgiveness is about finding inner peace. One of the most difficult things we have to do during the course of our lives. is to forgive those who wrong us or done us wrong.... When we are hurt, our first reaction is usually hatred, resentment, seek revenge and strike back.

Revenge may provide temporary satisfaction, but usually the satisfaction is replaced by guilt, sadness, and remorse thereafter. Forgiveness lightens your heart and your spirit in a way that no amount of satisfaction from revenge possibly can give.

Forgiveness is not forgetting. Forgiveness is about letting go of resentment and anger caused by the person you are forgiving.

Think about it....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi..Bryan lao shi, I tried to contact Aunty Mary but her mobile phone is no more in use.. do you know how to contact her? tks!! Ann