Sunday, June 19, 2011

6636 FULL HOUSE COMPLETED: Happiness to All.

A super blessed class. Its FULL HOUSE. Actually 60 have registered for yesterday's class but 25 cancelled last week and this week. I was still very positive with my calculations and the other 20 filled up within a few days. This is a great blessing to me. Those who are unable to make it will have to wait till next year class in June.

Hey students, do you know we started the cleansing exercise at 13:08 == Speedy happiness. Congrats.......

The video we have done for the cleansing, all who attended can refer to , it will be very beneficial for you.

Remember all who attended 6636, learn to experience and ask questions and keep a log book, I have a log book called Luck Luck... which I will make records on,

1) When I visit temple

2) Things that happened...
3) Simple calculations
4) Dreams and descriptions
5) Dates where I learn new things

This is useful for me especially when I retracked after a year... I willl find some numbers and signs that are related to life, and you can CODE and UNCODE.

Don't forget the powerful PAF in September. Yes is a SUNDAY.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Next time after attend class at SMU, can go Dhoby Xchange #B1 for food and dine. very nice place for shopping and dining.