Sunday, May 22, 2011

Slow down and slow down your mind...

I was taking a stroll near my house..... My mind was troubled by the emails and sms .... Too many personal issues which I have not answered.... Suddenly I look up to the beautiful sky and it inspired me deeply.....

We lived in an age of information. We are bombarded with information everyday. Amount of leisure time spent is getting lesser and unknowingly spent on our cell phone, computers, electronic gadgets........ playing games such as farmville....etc...

It is sad to say we are unable to concentrate on one thing for a long time in these days... Our lives are fragmented because our mind stays fragmented. For example, when I am having a meal, my mind cannot help it but to think of customers' emails and sms.......I wonder whether did I really enjoy my food. I know I ate because I am no longer hungry but my mind is too preoccupied with work. After the meal, my mind continues to be focus on work...what did I actually eat...did I enjoy the pleasure of the food I ate....did I appreciate how the food came about....

Its a simple thing which you should give it a thought. To know whether you need to slow down in life, just start to recall whether you have enjoy simple things or moments in your life...I developed a method to slow down which I think you can also give it a try....

1) Be determined to pay attention to things around you, such as flowers, buses, mrt posters.... kids playing or your family who loves you.
2) Read a page of non work related books. I find this helpful for me... . I like to go Kino once a month to buy 2 books on self motivations and happiness.
3) Spend 10 mins a day praying and talking to Tara Kwan Yin or God in your own context.

God wants us to see good things around us. Slow down first and you will see.

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