Monday, April 25, 2011

Most Auspicious Day

Woke up early this morning, and felt a sudden calling to go to the temple at Philip street. I have not visited this temple lately. Felt the calling is so strong that I just need to go.

On my way to the temple, I overheard an uncle said today is Tian Hou Birthday. I can feel the compassionate energy of Tian Hou Niang Niang. As I walked pass a TV Shop, suddenly there's a program showing Tian Hou Island in Taiwan.

History: Many many big bosses go to this temple at philip street. Once I overheard a guy who worked in Samsung Hub commenting this temple is full of energy with love and powerful energy for those who need to cleanse heart and pray for success. There is also an old painting of Da Bo Gong in this temple. Its very very very good for those who do business to make a prayer.

When I reached there... I pray whole heartedly. YES, its Tian Hou Birthday. Its her compassionate energy that drew me to the temple, cleanse my heart and further enable to go oversea with peace.

I pray and wish all to have good luck. Feel the blessing :)

I need to go now..... see you soon.....


Bee Bee said...

Thank you Bryan Laoshi,

May all those who prayed has the energy to succeed in whatever they wanted in their life. Be kind to all beings and have a compassionate heart.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, lao shi, we can't thank you enough ever.


Janet Lim said...

Thanks for making the effort to pray for us though u r rushing to go oversea...

RT said...

many thank to Bryan Lao Shi, for your kindness and blessing for all
readers. 感恩 TakeCare,RT

Anonymous said...

Many Thanks to bryan Lao Shi for praying for us. Take Care and Bon Voyage!