Friday, April 29, 2011

BaCK with Information to share

Yes, interviewed and finally completed by Book of Chinese Prayers with accurate records..... Above Uncle making of Special Ancient Chinese Paper Cutting. I am also taught many things. Share with u soon. I

Uncle told me: Learn to love your life. When your feel good about yourself, it is easier to feel good about other people around you. You only have one life so learn to love it. If you really cannot stand your life, then do something about it. Don't just complain..... do something to make it better.......

Something to DO?

1) I pray to strengthen and improves my aura.

2) I use my own Rose Quartz mala and affirm good things are on the way.

If you hate the atmosphere at work and dread going to work everyday, ask yourself if you are doing anything to change it....... Do you smile at work?? Or do you find yourself frowning all the time???? How do you expect people to like a frowning face that always projects a negative attitude?

Sometimes, just thank to Divine for the job you have and that you are alive. People who feel gratitude and appreciate life are usually happy people.

AFFIRMATION FOR THE DAY: "My soul's loving energy flows through my being. I am free."

If you bought Bryan's mini Rose quartz mala, you can also do this affirmation in addition to the affirmation I have prescribed for you when you feel stagnant or trapped.

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