Sunday, January 9, 2011

Flower COin

From today onwards, all orders for flower coin can be sent to ;

For all previous orders of flower coin via , I have managed to courier and post to some of you.( to those order 2 and above and posted out to those order 1 piece (check ur mailbox)}

All should receive by yesterday. Otherwise, it could mean that Blur Sotong has missed out your order. You can order again via .

Its still early to use of flower coin
Start using only 4 Feb 2011.
New comers: Thanks for your understanding. Omhealth is a one man show by Bryan. Perhaps I may take some time to get back to you but be assured Bryan does things from the heart :)

Fengshui talk 8 Jan 2011 is SUPER SUCCESSFUL x 100 Hahaaaa...Thanks to all of you who attended and my wonderful volunteers.

I do not have enough time to share about information on JOSS paper. I will mention in blog this few days.... So don't worry :)

Lots of suprise throw in for you rite =P HUAT ArH....

I shall gauge the response for fengshui talk on 18 Jan. So register fast. If there's too little participants, I may cancel as it is on a weekday evening.


Anonymous said...

Bryan Lao Shi, any chance to conduct another fengshui talk on weekend because your 15 jan is full house le. 18 jan can't rush down on time from workplace.

Anonymous said...

Bryan lao shi, I think we miss out on how to use the 3 animal pendant. Will you post on blog? Thank you