Sunday, January 9, 2011

Edric's card fengshui card is only for attendees and 1 per person

Attendees from the previous FS seminar( 8 Jan 2011) who did not receive their cards can also collect your cards on the 15 Jan 2010. Please note its one card per person ....

If you are unable to do personal collection, send me a return envelope with stamp and I will post back to you .

For 15 Jan class, I will pass the card from front seats up. Please take only one card per person :) Cheers.


1) "Attended many fengshui talk, I am surprised and drawn by your topic . Two thumbs up and good effort. Instantly felt great after your session. Thanks for the surprise you plan for us".... HY Tan.

2) "Lao shi, I force my friend to attend your fengshui talk. She was very skeptical. Now is your great fan. Thanks for your approach in many ways to improve 2011. It benefits me". --- Ber.

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